TTTTTT fHE TAMPA TIMES, Friday, May 16, iflfis Tiirc tampa TIMES, Friday, May in, t8M 74 Child Core 90 27 Mobile Homeslfes Parks 40 Business Opportunities 1 40 Business Opportunities i SI Apartments For Rent 24 Acrraqe 18 Commrrclol. Industrial I 90 Jobs of Interest MALE Jobs of Interest MALE 1I-C 51 AprtmcnH For Rent 10-r Apartments For Rent si Apartments For Rent Apartments For Rent SI 51 i.oi rppsD k1P5 mill uifhouse nrpelod ofliees. JK.S.- conriihoncd Ing tor ication, 20 2287. KKVSTONK Day 1 of a life time, en your child while week, vek-end or Inspection invited. COIN-OP Phone 000.
teims BMlnb'o I BEDROOM furnished duplex. Quiet. 411 S. Albany. The Last Word DAVIS ISLANDS 2115.
41 Business Opps. Wanted Lii furniture WANTED store lor nsh rh B84-743 LAUNDRY drv cleaning stores available Tampa, St. Pete. Clearwater; top locations. We Finance For information rail: TRIO SALES.
INC. 253-0518 BILLIARD room. Estahlsihed business. 11 AM to 6 P.M. 10030 30fh St.
rTOi PLACE A WANT AD WORDS BABY Silting all hours, my home Call 833-7894. CHILD care for working parents. My home. 251-6320. CTRCUSLAND Day Nursery.
Air conditioning. 3218 Bay to Bay. 833-1444. 839-6215. 5 ACRE TRACTS HIGH rolling beautiful land.
Pasco-Hernando County line. Just of Spring Hill. 5 acres S3995.00 small down payment, balance ai low as $50.00. Call owner now, 245-5241 to see land and move In. 580 ACRES 35 miles from Lakeland, approximately 300 Ac improved pastures, fenced and fenced, $200 per Ac.
2570 down. R. C. LEIS, Reg. Broker or John Robhins Dick's Realty.
1011 E. Main. Lakeland. Ph. Nights 683-2824.
HYDE PARK TOWERS a Large Efficiency Apt. si to ft up -l Bedroom, i bath apta, $138 up -2 Bedroom, 2 bath apis. $175 up Furnished at unfurnished Wall to Wall carpets Air conditions Swimming Pool Ample off-street parking Maid service available CORNER HYDE PARR AND AZEELE, I'll 251-1521 MODELS OPEN to 6 See The New Embassy Adultft-Pool side apartments Carpeted Draped Kitchens by ce SPEEDY WANT- jl AD Wl Says I I DRIVER'S WANTED FULL or part time, bonuses, paid vacations, very good salary Applv in person to Yellow Cab 502 N. Oregon. See Mr.
Faukner WAREHOUSE men. Filling orders! Cheeking and receiving in warehouse. State age and experience. 5 day week. Reply Box 2379.
Tampa, Fla. 33601. WANTED part or full time drivers. Paid vacations and bonuses. Apply Diamond Cab Company, 728 E.
WatersAveJ NEEDED Truck Meehanlcs. Day and night shift. Prefer Diesel experience. Contact Mr Huntley. Monday through Friday.
988-5161. "We are an Equal Opportunity Employer 1 AKEl'RONT i.akevtew Mobile Homo from $3890 to $9990. Lot Included. Val Enterprises U.S. 41 Inverness 726-2401 Open 7 days.
WATERFRONT Mobile Homes Lots 50x100', sewer, central water. Sea Wall, direct access to the Gull Own vour wnleitront lot just like rent. $2405, $100 dn. $30 month. Henry Dingus, Jr.
Realtor, IPX), Box 1121 1 New Port liichey, Fla. Ph. 849-2251. rRAILER Ids near Otdsmar S100 dn BH mo. ROPY KERSEY I1KAI IOH 4608 Kennedy Blvd.
877 miss lAMPA'S NEWEST PARK CITGO Of WISDOM 2-Story Building Nebraska Ave, Corner near 1-4 exit Phone 223-4401 C. D. SHIELDS BROKER OFFICE LOCATION KENNEDY NR LOIS 1-4 100x117 $36,000 Call Frank Varanli. associate Th OH 872-9331 Res 225-2521 Really Exchange Inc. Broker C-2 LOT 135x144' on Nebraska Ave.
Nr. A4-P Store-So. of SligMMfcrt tfFWllllR NOTICE BJILDERS OF multi family dwellings. Leisure DISHWASHER, also kitchen help. Day and nicht Shift.
Black AnituJ Restaurant. 3825 S. Dale Mabry opposite Britton Plaza. TRUCK Drivers Lowt distance. Full experienced, Hauling fruil and produce.
5 axles Thermo-Kmg equip nmt. If not. fully qualified and bondahle do not apply. No phnne information Apply I.onghaul Inc. 2021 W.
Memorial Blvd. Lakeland. WANTED Salesmen experienced. Household goods, moving storage industry. Salary, commission car expense.
Apply 1029 Twiggj St, PLANT production workers. 1st It 2nd shift. Start SI.70-S1.80 per hour. Applv in person, Wonrzel Tile 6608 S. West Shore.
PORTER. Day and evening shift open. Need own transportation. Call West Shore Plaza Ollice, 877-7536, for appointment. CARPENTERS "anted, exponent-, -d only in home remodeling.
J77-W29. LAWN service needs good, dependable help. Only experienced men need apply, pay according to ability. Call 877-8261 for for interview. In Beauty Charm TAMPA'S FINEST UXLRV GARDEN APARTMENTS ON THE lULLSUOKO RIVER THE VERSAILLES LA COSTA BRAVA "Whore Ooorl Tftfta PreVBlta" 5205 N.
Boulevard 2.17-3749 JEFFERSON COURT APTS. TOOL. secluded patio. Friendly Kmowhera in email complex, wu oarpefi drapes AC, i 2 SB furn. unfurn.
Children 4 pet. 481)1! N.Ainienia. l)7''-j814. i BEDROOM furnished apartments and 1 efficiency. Central A-C, Palm drove Apartments.
212 S. Church 878-0989 GOOD PLACE TO LIVE SELECTION of 1 and 2 bedrooms 1 and 2 baths -air conditioned shopping center electric appliances bus line, 12 minutes to downtown Tampa. 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED $95- $100 $125 $140 I BEDROOM UNFURNISHED SHKI 410S- $130 $150 BEDROOM FURNISHED $13(1- $150- $160-417! 2 BEDROOMS UNFURNISHED $115 $125- $130 $145- $175 2 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS rOOL-PATIO SELECTION JAMES BURT, INC. REALTOR i70i 23i; E. Davis Blvd.
PHONE 253 0823 FURNISHED 1 room garage apartment, Utilities. $45. Hyde Park. 254-2553. DISHES, linen, utensils furnished.
Adults, $16 211 W. Piatt, downtown, 106 w. ross 1 br fur apt ut inol, $11 50 wk ph 226-3604. PHONE CHATEAU 120 ACRE FARM BETWEEN 1-75 and Brooksville. Small pond on property.
Excellent TO YoU tOO can Capitalize on the low cost, fast action Want. Ads they are jllSt great for selling good but no longer needed household items. 223-4911 DAVIS Island, furnished efficiency bungalette, AC, carpet, patio $85. 254-9234. $12 WEEKLY, furnished including lights water, private bath.
254-2782, NEWLY decorated 1 bedroom furnished, unfurnished. AC. $75. 517 Columbia Dr. 839-7131, .5604 INTER BAY "Furn.
1 BR Duplex Apt w-air, $70. Thurs. 4 Fri. eve. Sat.
DUPLEX 1 BR air-cond furn Apt. Palma Ceia $75 257-0454! 1 BEDROOM apartment, large, clean. Private parking. Adults only. 876-3459.
NEW 1 bedroom, furnished duplex AC, heat, call 935-1409. DARLING "efficiency. Near USF. Couple, lady preferred. 988-3735.
$9 WEEK, utilities included, clean efficiency apartment. Adults, 408 W. Cleveland. 4 ROOM apartment furnished, utilities included. Private entrance.
709 W. Francis. NEW Duplex apartment, AC, unfurnished, Convenient. $84 month. 225-2932.
ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment for rent. CaU 228-7245. BELVIEW CATALINA 4311 N. St. 2805 Horatio St.
Appt. only. Hostess Apt. 4 LOVELY 'large modern 1 BR Apts. Adults no pets.
Unfurn Furn. S125-S134. 877-2514 or 920-5504 TRANSMISSION REBU1LBER -Direct Lines Fish Camp Wanted Call Ed Brown Bit? Bkr. 877-7621 42 Mcr'qoqcs Bouqhf Sold First Mortgage Loans ONSOUHATE bills or improve hdim1. Up to 10 years to pay.
We buv sell mortgages. L. B. frfcSwain, Realtor Ray Bradley. Mtge.
Bkr. 602 Jackson St. Ph. WANTED good 1st mtgs. at discount.
1601' a N. 22nd St. 258-5802. Seagliene Bros. Illly-Mlg.
GOOD 1st mortgages for sale on owner occupied homes. 10' 'c discount anil up to 9''( interest. GULFSHORE DREDGING CO. 1702 Busch Blvd. PO.
Box 8456 W. T. Hodges Mtg. Bkr. 935-6102 WANTED Existing mortgages at discounts.
Fast sen ice. SAM. C. MARTINO 2018 E. 7th Ave.
Phone 248-6111 CASH for That mortgage you are holding. Call 248-2868 Fernandez Garcia. tge. Brokers. good first mortgages for sale at a good discount.
626-3811. P.O. Box 5101, 33606. WE BuY MORTGAGES 80 Schools-Instructions A nice place to visit Has excellent location available raid training Excellent facilities Small investment Financial assistance available National Advertising Continual dealer counseling Aids to help develop profits All inquiries held in confidence Jim Williams 248-2191 A. P.
Esposilo 218-2164 by Miss crazing, $375 an acre. Russell Hancock Bkr. Phone Tampa 223-3444 or Brooksville 796-9796. BEAUTIFUL LAND 5 ACRES, 300 ft. on state Hwy 41, five minutes from 1-7 100 ft.
on large lake S6295. S200 down $60 mo, or 3 acres $3500 $100 down $30 50x90' LOTS, 2 car paved parking, 10x20' concrete pnllo, pooli large Community center Children ever nrtleome Call 8844471 or visit I.M CEI REAL ESTATE SCHOOL TOP pay. Must he able to repair late mode transmissions. Apply Boozer's Garage, 1201 N. Fla.
Ave. 229-8415. E.XI'EI! I KM F.I mei hamc Apply in person Hansen Chris Craft. 3701.50th Ave. S.
St. Pete. I Air conditioned 302 N. HUBERT 43( W. Kennedy) Phone 876-2022 BURLINGTON ARMS 1, 2 RR luxury apts.
WW carpet. AC. Min. from USF. 933-2487.
43rd St. tz Skipper Rd. TEMPLE Terrace near UniV. of So Florida. 1 Bedim furnished apt.
i air cond- Ph. 988-1905 or 236-1811. DFl-UXE modern cfffic iencv" apt. Cent. AC heat, W-W carpet.
Pullman Kitchen. Maid serv I linens, utilities, $32.50 week In-1 eluding TV, $130 mn. Apply Apt 3. 4408 N. Armenia.
877-3612. i NICELY furnished 1 bedroom Bun- galette apartment. Close to bus line I and ail services. Adults onlv. No I Dogg.
$75, plus utilities. 876-0850. I NEWLYWEDS. Modernly furnished, 1 bedroom, large closets. Extra storage.
$65. 304 N. Westland. 258- 7491. FURNISHED one bedroom apart apt.
No pets. LARGE 1 UK. unlurn vu'A's oi.r Dale Mabry Classified COLONIAL COACH ESTATES 9315 MEM11RIA1 HWY. 876-1393 i on Itus, $(55. 932-3201.
877-3897. Adults, Uuict ar Ludwick Realtor 1 FIREFIGHTER PLACE A WANT AD PHONE 223-4911 NO TOLL CHARGE To Tampa Office From Other Fla. Cities Clearwater 446-7914 St. Petersburg 862-0351 Lakeland 686-6181 MAYTAG (INK ACRE TU MI Ell LOT WI TH TREES OH ON CHEEK SOPHIA PINTER Associate FURNISHED efficiency apartments. 2 3 rooms.
Near downtown. 253-50R2. 220 Hyde Park Ave. DANDY Blvd. 8 minutes from Mac-Dill AFfi I 2 bedrooms unfurn.
All ulilittes. 83B-S383. CAMPUS UNIVERSITY LUXURY APARTMENTS I NOW LEASING 1 Brittany I Apartments Just Around the Corner I From BrittorT Plaza 3814 Euclid Ave. I Ofc. 677-1472 Res.
677-1582 3315 HORATIO Pool- Patios Parking Year 'round central air PHONE 872-8776 JAMES BURT, INC. REALTORS-AGENTS (93) 330 HYDE PARK EFFS APT. Elf. w-util S15 wk. $4.1 mo.
up. NEW TARA HOUSE 3)15 DELEON LEISURE living at minimum cost 83 MODERN units- Furnished or unfurnished. 1 bedroom $95 to 8130, Res Mgr. Ph. 870-4497.
876-K007 COLONIAL VILLAGE ON GANDY BETWEEN DALE MABRY ft BAYSHORE 20 ACRE GARDEN COMPLEX CJNFTONISHED 1 and 2 bedrooms. Elec. heating cooling incld kitchens. Pool. $135 to S165 3400 Gand.v Boulevard Ph 839-3333 EFFICIENCIES $18 and "up.
Ideal Motel 3402 E. Hillsborough HARBOUR HOUSE DISTINCTIVE HIGH-RISE APTS. "The only thing we overlook ts the E2401 BAYSHORE BLVD. Ph. 251-1088 READY FOR GRAND OPENING U'K on, a new ci'in laundry mo.
M.S. Hankins, Bkr. 2.U-5044. 231-3400. VA Acre Hideaway $1795 BEAUTIFUL location for mobile home or cottage.
Nice hi-land with shady oak trees, sloping to Bear Creek for drainage. Room for a horse, pvd. Rd. frontage. Only $50 dn.
$20 mthly. Gulf Coast Acres. Inc. G. K.
Winton, Bkr. 23 mi K. of HWY 19 on HWY 52, Hudson 846-1595. (AD020 1 A NEW 2 BEDROOM HOUSE (N A('KK IN HEM 1 II I I. Sll MiY HILLS.
-H MINI IT- DOWNTOWN TAMPA. GOOD TR MS: Also sml acreage in U4. WANT TO BE A DISC JOCKEY NEWSCASTER or announcer? A recording by Paul Robinson chl. 10 tells you how, Tampa 223-4555. JR.
1 1 1 hthrTPuni VERSITY PRIVATE instruction, mathematics. Physics, Chemistry, Languages. A. lioddye Ph. 832-1643 HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME Diploma avsarded.
Finish rapidly Free brochure. VA approved American School Box 7041 Tampa Lands. Inc. now presenting a new-all waterfront development on the gulf of Mexico. 35 miles north of Tampa on US Hwy 19, known as LEISURE BEACH On the Gulf CANALS 150 ft.
wide with sea walls, central water and sewer, paved roads, street lighting, sensibly restricted. For limited time a special front footage price is offered. Buildins must start within fi months of purchase. Contact J. Robert Jackson.
Exc, V. Pres. Leisure Lands. P.O. Box 1081.
New York Richey. 335a2. Phone 846-21 202or224 NEAR HONEYWELL PLANT Commercial zone good terms Bob Townsend Associate Ph Office 872-9331 Res 877-7255 Realiv Exchange Br 309 ARMENIA 100xlC5 C-l lot, 30x50 Bide $10,000 down. James Herbage, Bkr.J.eUM West Shcre Near Airport Just South Of Spruce Located in Tampa's new office complex area For information JOE ADAMS ASSOC. iiM ii-1 .1 uiuMuji-nciii tM.ue, mv.
Reg. Brokers Riverview Hwy. 301 FOR TRAILERS OR COTTAGES BAYSHORE Howard 3 rm NR. DRIVER WANTED TO make deliveries and pickups to motels and restaurants in the Tampa Bay area. Good pav, frinaa benefits, must have chauffeurs license.
Apply in person, 2806 N. Armenia. SHORT order cook. Must be fast and not afraid to work. Please write giving experience and salary required to P.O.
Box 110, Plant City, Fla. DRAFTSMAN Mt'ST have minimum 4 years experience under registered architect. Nice working conditions. Fringa benefits. Good pay with fast growing Tampa firm.
Experience in actual arcnitectural design preferred with electrical and mechanical background. Cab bp.4-8478. Plant City featuring the latest 1970 Model Maytag washer with perma press features. This is a very lucrative location with big money earning potential. Drive by 926 E.
Henderson Ave, and check this location (next to 7-11) and if interested, please comact Murray Machinery no pets $75; 1, 2. i iseurooms. 12708 30th St. Ph. B33-2477 GUARANTEED furniture savings! 1 air-cond, furn.
Apt. 257-0454 236-1581. 752-2615 BEVERLY INC. 1510 E. 7th Ave.
BROKERS 247-2525 52 House For Rent 60 70 Office Desk Space Lost Found CLEAN 3 rooms furnished. Ground floor, carport. 5912V4 Ola Ave. 234-9375. Off Hillsboro.
Come see our special apartment Kroupings at discount prices, Lar-mon Furniture 1324 E. 7th Ave. $12.50 UOTLITIES included. North I Hours 10 A.M. I thru 6 P.M.
1 A 7 Rprfrnnm Ante I 43 Loans to 5600 51 Apartments For Rent 1 SALARY Range: a yr. H.S. Grad. Age: 21-30 years. APPLY: 4th floor, City Hall TAMPA CIVIL SERVICE! BOARD NliiT CI.EANU0 MEN to work nights.
Non-seasonal, inside work. Raise program. Apply in person Singleton Packing 50th St. and Uceta Road. (ACL Railroad) FLOOR MAINTENANCE MONTGOMERY Ward has Immediate openings.
Liberal company benefits. Apply Personnel office, 1701 N. Dale Mabry. WASH MAN NIGHT shift on autos. Apply in person 1014 E.
Cass. SERVICE TECH. Corp. 350-Oth St. So.
St. Petersburg. Florida 33701. Phone 898-3628. SUNDAY, Beer.
Wine." Groceries, living quarters, New project. DAVIS Island, Huge closed 1 2 Acre Waterfront Tracts S395 $20 DN S20 MTKLY PLACE yourself amid the oaks on a sparkling fresh water lake with new road. A choice find for those looking for the peace of the country. Highland lakes 1 mile N. of Weekiwachec Springs on US HWY 19.
Open Friday 4 Saturday from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., Sundavs 1 P.M. home, Couple furnished TV, AC. COMPLETELY utilities, color only. 876-1659.
room. Remodeled. Phone LOST vicinity Hillsborough State Park, lady's handbag. Please return pictures and watch of deceased mother. Keep other contents.
Reward. 9811-3061. Small executive Air cond office M. SAI LS. REALTOR 3112 E.
Kennedy ph. 876-3728 ACROSS FROM NORTHGATE Carpeted, Air Cond. offices $50 to $100. mo. Owner, 134-4201.
SUBURBAN GARDENS 22nd Fowler (opposite 7-11) X-tra lee. new Apis! Carpet, drapes walk in closets. Phone 933-2509 Fl'HN. Redec. 3 rm.
apt. Adults. No pets. Utilities Pfl. $6(1 209 VV.
Plymouth St. 225-41501. 872-0591. IFurn. and Unfurn.
fl Central Air and Heat Wall to walls. carpets fm I 60-A sine etticicncy. Adults, a-iu Hamper 932-2849, DAVIS Island. 2 RR, furn carpeted, AC, all elect, 6 mo lease req. S120 mo.
By appt call Z55-6392. ISLANDER APTS! 208 DANUBE. Lovely one bedroom furnished. Also 2 bedroom, 2 bath Business Space Porter PAY ALL BILLS IN ONE PLACE! DOWNTOWN HOME OWNED L'pstaire Privacy Paris Free TAMPA CASS STS. OPEN TILL: 1 P.M.
949-1800 or Ph. 949-5393 5 ACRES, 2 bedroom house, Florida room, attached garage. In fast growing north Tampa area. Walking distance to all facilities. Shumaker.
Broker. 935-0957. Lutz 10 A off Dale Mabry. Ideal for horses. $15,000 Terms.
Ofc. 949-4687 LUTZ Res. 949-4183 ROBERT STONE, REALTOR 10 A. NICE trees, ciose in. $2,00 an A.
Lila Hamm, 232-3982. Doyle Whitehurst Realtor FOR MOBILE HOMES A FEW 2 acre sites on Hwy 579. Five miles N. of 1-4. Pretty land, cleared or wooded.
M. S. Hankins, Bkr 2.11-5044. HflBE) "'Leslie Blank, Realtor NORTH Tampa. Lovely apartment for quiet gentleman, Furnished.
$55 monthly. 935-7104. HYDE Park. larRe, clean, 2 bedrooms, n-i baths. Suitable 4 adults.
Students and service men welcome. $150 month. 905 S. Rome. Phone 253-5937.
SEMINOLE, furnished, clean. 4 room apartment. Utilities, Adults, $25 week. 232-674L NICE one bedroom furnished. Good location.
$85 3610 W. Piatt. 836-9001. BAYSHORE-Howard Ave. section.
4 rooms furnished. AC, total electric. $75. 258-9394. I I VV I LEARN to drive the big semi diesel trucks under supervision of the Ryder Truck System.
Call Greer, Now I 229-2655 VA approved. RHAL ESTAsE1 SCHOOL Monday nights 7 P.M. -10 P.M. Start anytime. 2109 JS.
Dale Mabry 253-3171 COMPUTER Frogramming, 100 schools nationwide; 40,000 grads empl. ECPI, 915 Ashley, 229-2658. GET a man's job. Learn to operate bulldozers, earthmnvers, graders, crares earn top pay in the construction industry. Field training.
Call Greer, 229-2i1j5. VA approved. TAMPA COLLEGE BUSINESS THE finest preparation for PRESTIGE POSITIONS. 104 N. Edison Ave.
at Kennedy 33606 251-1117. SChools, 229-2500. TAVERN by owner. $2,000 down, low rent, easy monthly payments. Qualified buyers only, please.
626- 94.12 alter 1 P.M. for appointment. IDA'S Most popular wig salons now franchising 3 Tampa Bav locations. Excellent investments. For further information call Wig Town lnc 416-3838, Clearwater, ask for Mr.
Alderdice. FORCED to sell by illness. Grocery store. Good location. 247-2519 WELL established pizza parlor and draft heer.
Half mile to USF. Only interested parties inquire. 932-5207. SHELL OIL CO. MAN wanted for genera! clean up, pickup and delivery.
Of new used cars. Must be over 21, prefer married man with Florida Drivers License. No phone calls, see Dave Thompson at Homer F. Hcrndons, 3007 Florida Ave. 3 BEDROOM, 2 hath, nicely furnished home, Forest Hiils, 6 months or 1 year lease, convenient to USF, 935-6642.
932-2603. COUNTRY cottage. 3 rooms. Very quiet, shade trees. Adults only.
Kent, Williams Mango. 626-4957. SEMINOLE, 2 bedroom furnished, clean upper duplex, adults. $80 877-5158. CLEAN i bedroom furnished house, all electric, AC, adults, no pets.
876-0174. FOREST HILLS' UNFURN. 2 bedroom 2 Bath huge family room $150 month ith one years lease. Call Don Watson Realtor 238-3181. 4107 McKAY near Beach Park.
3 bedroom. 2 baths, furnished, central air. WW carpet. $185 monthly 876-1420. ment montn.
in Newport, Commodore Apartments. north Tampa Adults, 1-2 bed-room cottages. $16-525 week. Everything furnished. 10314 Nebraska 932-7709.
AC, spacious 3 Furnished rooms. Parking. $75. 1105 Swann Ave. 251-2555.
WESTLAND APARTMENTS Ft UN. neat 3 rooms bath, near Howard 4 Kennedy, adults, 323-N. Westland, 257-0053. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT S85 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT $90 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT $75 FURNISHED 404 S. NEWPORT, 251-6977 furnished apartments 1 2 bedroom desirable neighborhood.
Near Bayshore and Howard, 1813 Hills Ave. FURNISHED 2 bedroom bungalette. Utilities furnished. $100 month. 304 W.
Jean St. 935-8690. 3 ROOM completely furnished apartment with air conditioning in Brandon area $125 per month. Call 248-2515 days, after 6:00 call 689-4170. NEW air conditioned 2 bedrm.
bath. Nicely furnished. Pool. Near U.S F. Ph 988-1905 or 98B-6401 SI Apartments For Rent LANDMARK APTS 2811 HORATIO, large 1 2 BR.
turn or unfurn. Town House. drapes. POOL. Palma Ceia area.
From S120. Preview. NEW LANDMARK WEST APTS Shown J55' JLPJZEik 877-7850, NICE apartment. 1 bedroom, kitchen. Private entrance.
Lady or couple. Shower. 227-5802, SPACIOUS 2 bedroom duplex apart-meats. All the conveniences of home. Laundromat facilities.
Pool, recreation facilities, Furnished or unfurnished Near USF on E. Fletcher Ave. Very nice. Mar-Jo Uni-versity Terrace. 988-4325 anytime.
COTTAGE, bedroom efficiency Private $50 monthly. 988-6061, after 5 p.m.. 9fiS-6796. 1 BEDROOM furnished, AC apartments. $90.
Town House Apart-ments, 511 S. Westland. 251-6046. 607 E. LOUISIANA Ave.
One bedroom furnished apartment, $60 Adults only. 881-3207. NR. BAYSHORE. AIR COND.
S135. 833-0091 AFTER 4. I Drapes 1 Westinqhouse" I appliances I Pool I 6117 INTERBAY BLVD OFFICE or strage space, approx 500 sq. ft. Bathroom.
$41.60 per mo. call 877-3612. Vh ACRES RR. large "house, stor" age, office or what have you. C-3, light industrial, access to 1-75 USF, 626.2351.
626.3058. 4315 W. Kennedy Blvd. OFFICE or storage apace. Call 872-7881.
3917 W. KENNEDY. 1050 sq. ft. You remodel.
Parking. $150 monthly. 876-6362. 1111 a f.yi. i Alll-SLU 286-F).
ON THE WATER LEISURE LANDS, Inc. offers restricted mobile home sites, sea wall, central water and sewer, street lights, paved roads. On L'S Hwy. 19, 35 miles north of Tampa. Contact from 9 to 5.
J. Robert Jackson, Exec V. at Leisure Beach office just south of Signal Cove. Phone 846-2120, 2129 or 2294 or write P.O. Box 108L NewPort Richcy.
33.152. Ml ST Sell before June 1st. I.eaung state. Retired mobile home Park in city. Close to stores, schools, 60 spaces.
City sewer, water, lights, mail. $100,000. Good terms. Phone Lakeland 682-2268. GO 1st CLASS; see AD; O'Ryan's Point under Waterfront.
FINANCE CO. St. Ph. 233-4601 MITT Tampa 3 BARGAIN TailVrnest, Assoc. 22M079 OT ois Carver, Realtor "OIFICE SITE KENNEDY MAD BRICK HOUSE NEAR ARMENIA $12,500 EZ terms 872-9331 4257 w- Kennedy Blvd.
232- Wanted To Borrow Near Memorial School, 45 furnished. Pool. AC, 251-3105. SEE inside you'll rent! Large, furnished, 1 bedroom. Carpeting.
AC, tile bath. S75 monthly. 251- 4683, after 5. 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment Adults, No pets. Frostlree Refrig- erator 256-7121.
CARLTON Apt. 1 furn. air eond, h-wnter, janitor. Adults. Perm, no pets, 611 Horatio 251-1213.
Davis Island Towers LUXURY Apts. 84 Davis Swimming pool, patio, laundry facilities. Adults only, Phone 253-3355 9311, 258-9394. 72 BEAUTIFUL acres. All or none.
$3,500 per acre. 677-5029. VILLA Nova Apts. 810 S. Dakota Ave Danish modern furniture.
AC. Quiet. Clean. 4 room efficiency. FOR SALE or Rent 342 acres of Pangoha and clovers with nice house on Sheldon Rd.
876-3077 61 Stores For Rent II Call 839-1161 I I James Burt Realtors-Aqents (28) 1 tele adult $67.50. Motels Hotels near Crystal 5 4- 10 Acre tracts, 19 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, Central air ma TAYLOR SECRFTARV $1600 DISCOUNT! VOU can buy a $7970 mortgage on owner occupied masonry home for only $6370, Title Insured. Call 229- 8058. Kistner Realty Insurance Realtor 213 Kennedy Insurers River, hieh rnllinc land. invest in stove.
$2(10 month. heat, carpet, Use this possible future homesiie. SERVICE STATION DALE MABRY FOR LEASE Modern, 3 bay facilities Four week paid training program Financing for right man INTERESTED? Call 877-5741; nights and weekends, 257-6161. FOR Sale 4-COP Liquor license. Call 872-9581.
after 3 P.M. WELL established Donut Shop Rest. Near interstate 4- motels. Selling because of other interests. 884-4033.
SACRIFICE Fast Moving Used Furn. Si Trade Center. Will accept reasonable offer! Ph. 932-5205. HITS and Bvin Quarters.
3312 Gandy Blvd. BELAIR BEACH MOTELS av one of 3 or all, $75,000. 8UtV 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath. 4507 W. Chiton St.
$125. Phone 988-3750. Further particulars 56 nun. IN TEMPLE TERRACE Elegance is jilnce railed the PLANTATION We're elegant garden type apartments spread over a 14-acre I a a i We're filled with over sized closets two full baths roomy rooms Wp're plush with ether things such as lounge private pools health club sauna baths We're probably your property wnne paying lor li. Easy terms.
Owner Pat Imperato. 5163 60th Way N. St. Petersburg, Fla. 33709 544-0741.
GEORGE E. LEI MAN REALTOR REG. BROKER 251-9247 HIGH, handsome homesite, Hernando County. Near intersection 28 Warehouses For Sale Mb DOWN PAYMENT; 1414 Crest. 18.000 sq.
ft. Warehouse on 2 Acres, 3 streeLs. Total price Mrs. O. L.
Mitchell Broker, 4620 W. Alva. Mobile Hornet Trailer Spaces 2nd terms see Owner 3260 Gulf ciovarri nailv. 10 am-o PM- -XO NICE Efficiency Apt, utilities, $15 weekly. 3118 Gray.
677-5376, after jL EFFICIENCY, utilities paid, private bath. Single preferred. 3418 E. Powhattan. 233-0695.
LOVELY sr. fir. fur. apt. want mid.
aced or elderly couple or ladies close in. 108 S. Edison. NEAR USF New 1 bedroom fur 1 1 phone; FoTTSALE: Beachfront motel Jack-sonville section. Less than $90,000.
Low down Payment. Bi-oker. 2515 Cloister Dr. Charlotte, H.U 19-98. Five cleared acres.
S299s SHOP rn rnn pa III SHEET SHEET METAL NEW 2 BR. unfurn. adults only. No pets. $100 mo.
877-6923. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, $40. 5905 Cherokee Ave. DUPLEX, 2 bedroom. Palma Ceia.
AC. $115 monthly. 832-5931. DAVIS Isiand, roomy, spotless, 2 bedrooms, furnished, A-C. $110.
877-2133. FURNISHED 2 bedroom apartment. Palma Ceia. $75 month. 251-4932, 257-2031, 1 BEDROOM furnished apartment, adults only, no pets, AC, 3803 Ar- Jington Ave.932-6327 $40 'MONTH.
Furnished. Air Near MacDill Field. 15 minutes from downtown. 834-8873. NORTH Tampa large furnished one bedroom.
Convenient. Reasonable. Adults. 237-5641. CLEAN furnished 3 rooms upstairs, no children or pets.
226-2932. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 2 rooms, utilities. Excellent location. 575. 202 Audubon.
877-2219, WATEBFBONT Deluxe AC 1 "bedroom, furnished, S175. month. Also small efficiency $125. month 920-5974. 1102 DELEON.
Furnished 2 bedroom apartment. No Children. 257-2341. FURNISHED, 1 bedroom apartment, A-C, heal, carpeted. $105 month, water included.
1705 J5. Kirby. LARGE new 2 bedroom furnished near USF, duplex type, AC. $1W. No children or pets 12415 11th St.
935-8386. 3UNGALETTE 4 room furnished apartment. Also 2 room apartment, Hyde Park No pets. 254-3822. IOBNWALL, new modern, furnished, all electric, terrazzo floors, tiled bath.
Couple or single. $95. 630R N. Habana. 876-8456.
Also have duplexes. NOW LEASING BRITTANY APARTMENTS 381 1 EUCLID AVE. 1 AND 2 bedroom apts. Pool. Central air and Heat. appliances. Call 839-1161 for appmt. House 10 A M. thru 6 P.M. JAMES BURT.
INC. Realtors Agents 28) SPARTAN ARMS VOW leasing; new- luxurious apart-m furn. or unfurn. Conveniently located to downtown, W-W carpet, air all utils. lurnished.
From $135 up. 442 W. Kennedy, 251-1825. PALMA Ceia, air conditioned, one I bedroom, modern furnished, show-er, al! electric, clean. $67.50 monthly.
2904 AqulUa. 258-6891. SPACIOUS 1 bedroom, AC, mobile home, near Gandy, nicely furnished, no children or pets $100. I 935-3268. Ft KN Reriec 3 rm apts.
Adults. $50 mo. 209 Plymouth St. 225-4801. 316 S.
Delaware. Furn 3 Rm apt $45 Call Mr Tattu, 226-0533. FURNISHED 504 S. MELVILLE, 1 Br. newly decorated SS5 mo.
Adults. 1 Br. AC with garage S12 mo. Adults. Davis-Cooper Inc.
Broadway PHONE 248-6193 STORE in Clairmel City 1379 78th St. South. Will build to suit Call 24S-6193, WEST Tampa Latin Plaza, inquire 3416 N. Arme nia Ave. 1539 S.
Dale Mabry AC, heat, 16'x55'. Inquire at Record City. 254-7561. 9508 NEBRASKA. 2400 sq.
ft. $300 month. Oif st. parking. 876-287 7 9 till 12.
400 or 800 sq. ft. store or offices. MacDill Ave. 876-6035.
22x75 WILL air condition alter to suit. New shopping area. Next to Commercial Bank. Ample parking 1000 cars. Will make store larger or smaller, 235-7773.
Aerial photo. 949-4831. 24 Acres. $3000. S500 DN $35 mo.
LITHIA AREA. AL LATTER. 1 dun in 1 npss. La Call due to illness. 28211.
"Exciting" BAYA COURT APTS. "Where Living Has Charm" AT last you can live in the individualistic atmosphere of a luxurious home, yet have ail the carefree advantages of apartment living. 1 2 BR'Sj dual entrances, ample parking at your door. All electric kitchens with dishwashers disposers. G.E.
air WAV carpets, drapes. Center lounge and laundry room in beautifully landscaped court yard with large patio swimming pool. Rental furniture available, l-'rom $130. Mo. 6400 N.
Armenia. Ph. U.12-2233. 11 EFFIL If-NC -HOm. house rlus apartment.
Ex- K. S. PERDUE. Realtor 689-2142 LARGE lot lOO'xllS'. $100 dn.
$30 mo. $2,000. Home or trailer. PETTE J. RODGERS.
Bkr. 935-4440 Pool. 4 acres, main highway nished apartment. 932-8B89i 98R- 5347. FOREST Hills duplex.
3 large rooms, bath. Clean, nicely furnished. Adults. $75 month. 131B Termini).
932-8880. Assoc. 251-3478. KENNETH G. FULLER, REALTOR Phone 838-irtol SEE Our Business Opportunity ad Sunday, under title of "HERE IS REAL" SECURITY!" $125,000, rellent condition.
Private LeSaL Medical or Executive PREPARE for positions in Advertising, Publishing, Radio, TV. Industry, Govt, Professions. LEARN the social graces, as well as the needed secretarial skills. Our graduates are in demand! For information, Business University of Tampa 315 Jackson St Ph. 228-7441 Tampa Business Institute ENROLL now for new classes com putcr programming.
Starling next week IBM Key Punch. PBX Receptionist, Clerk Typist. Cashier Checkers Call 223-3648. FREE booklet technical education, may be for you call Tampa Tech 223-1637, 1005 E. Jackson.
HEAVY' equipment operators needed in the booming construction industry. Learn bulldoozers, earth movers, cranes, etc. Top pay, good future. Call Greer Now! 229-2655 VA approved. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING ON IBM Honeywell Computers Computer Education Center Approved for VA training 120 S.
Florida 223-0595 THIS is an excellent buy at $22,000. Has office space, large warehouse doors, steel trustees, concrete and metal sides, sprinklers, new roof and is in a good close-in location. BILL HIPPENME1ER, Assoc. Office 223-3671 Res. 253-0245 Leslie H.
Blank, Realtor 115 E. Kennedy Blvd. Employment, factory work. No experience necessary, lull company benefits. Applv at 5115 W.
Knox. or phone 884-3461, MANAGEMENT "RECRUITERS OF TAMPA BAY. INC. THE MATCHMAKERS EXCHANGE BANK BLDG. 229-2981 EXPERIENCED welder to layout and labneate rails, step rails, spiral and steel stairs and aluminum welding.
Top wages, steady work. JMo acejimit, 243-2738, 213-2533. HANDYMAN or COUPLE for Maintenance Work in small trailer park. Must, by physically able to work. Win furnish trailer or trailer Bface 4 all utilities plus salary.
FIELD service representative. Over 21 with electrical and-nr mechanical background to represent A A A-l manufacturing company. Salary open, limited travel required. Call 839-5661 for appointment or send resume to P.O. Box 10915, Tampa.
DISHWASHER eveningTshift. Good benefits. Howard Johnson Restau- rant, 6832 E. Hillsboro. MAN TO TRAVEL! Collection (Mobile Homes) Small Loan Experience.
commensurate with ability! Must be able to re-locate after 90 day training period. Company car furn. Pd Hospitalization Ins, Program. Call H. WILLOUGHBY beUveen 9-12 PM ONLY! MECHANIC, machinist for eating bottling and packaging equipment.
Excelh'nt opportunity. Many benefits. Advise experience and salary desired to P.O. Box 1530, Tampa. BLOCK-masons and tenders.
Car-penters and carpenter helpers. Excellent opportunity with fast grow, ing residential construction company. All company benefits. Excellent salary and working conditions. Apply Imperial Homes Corporation, 14702 Imperial Point Drive S.
Largo, Florida. See Mr. Hevwood Warrick Between 8-5 P.M, Monday thru Friday. No phone calls. what you are looking for RIVERBROOK Rooms For Rent 50 FITZSIMMONS.
Rentals only. Modern, clean, quiet. 5009 N. Renellie. Dr, 876-2832.
MODERN trailers. $16.50 up. Also large trailer spaces. Adults. Bain-boo Trailer Haven 6501 W.
Hills-boro. 884-4915. TAMPA'S NEWEST PARK 50x90' LOTS. 2 car paved parkins, 10x20' concrete patio, pool, large community center. Children pets welcome Cell 884-8471 or visit COLONIAL COACH ESTATES 9315 MEMORIAL HWY.
TEMPLE Terrace near Univ. of So. Flor'da. .1 Bedrm furnished apt aircond Ph. 1188190., or 236-1811.
ijEPTIC TANK SERVICE Day 236-2521, Nile 935-ti968 Cad ALPAUGHS foi Plumbing SEPTIC TANK i SEWER SERVICE Day Ph 234-4361. Nile 988-6404 NEW air conditioned 2 i hath. Nicely furnished. Pool, Near USE. Ph.
988-1905 or 988-Mm. WHO cares? We do. For prayer and personal contact. Call 872-8412. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS TO men women, $50 to $000.
No personal investigation. Call Mr. Jackson at 229-0657. WILL drive your car through in-spection station. Reasonable.
Phone 933-1022. CARPET AND PADDING I CANNOT afford to advertise, my prices are loo low. See Cecil at the Carpet Center, 1729 Keime-dy Blvd. 251-6206. REGISTERED nurse has available room and board tor elderly lady 229-2425 or 238-5385.
MEN, WOMEN, COUPLES 2 DANCES WEEKLY Socialize in friendly atmosphere 839 2900 2 I'M-10 PM. FREELANCE. Experienced promo-tional writer produce polished press releases, publicity materials. Bouthue small store advertising 255-8971, after 7 p.m. NURSES aide will care for two el-derly people in private home.
834- 3353. SWEDISH massage Mary Nelson. 4429 2nd Avenue St. Peters- burg, 347-7888. ROOM, board, laundry for elderlv people.
Good food, supervised care. Phone 238-7515 or 677-1159. SWEDISH massage Mary Nelson 4429-2nd Ave. So. St.
Petersburg if you won't take our word NORGETOWN S40doyvn.JJ434. nrNrfs carefully downed I to rem by night, week or month. Plus extra rice 2 bedroom home. Walk-foe distance to shopping center and fi hm" area. S47.000.
Will CO eider mobile home as part payment Owner. 677-5740. 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment. 412 W. Amelia.
I BEDROOM, furnished," private $60 month. 255-0321. for it, come and se for yourself Waterfront Living for the Discriminating Now leasing Tampa's newest apartments, all facing the Hillsborough River. Contemporary open 1 0 am-6 pm. One-Bedroom Apartments Two-Bedioom Townhouses Carpeting Drapes Included Air Conditioning Complete Gt" Kitchens (jS Dishwasher Disposal Swimming Pool Boat Dock HOME 5 A.
S500 DOWN OLD House ft 5 acres on Hwy, 30 min. S. of Tampa. S9995. S100 mo.
more land for sale, cleared pasture, 251-5044, 251-3400 M. S. Hankins, Broker. TocT'wOODEb ACRES, some imp. Grass.
S350 per A. Terms. Whaley Realty, Bkr. Ph. 932-7711 From S1G0 up FURNISHED 2 room apartment, i enre.
Call collect, 188-6723. An JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT. Opportuni-ty with expanding young Tampa CPA firm. Degree, accounting maior, required. Resume to P.O.
Box 1307, Tampa. Replies confidential; BLOCK Masons wanted $4,50 hour. 10902 N. Florida Ave. Mason Ten-ders.
IMMEDIATE openings for form setters, finishers, riggers, equipment operators, and laborers. Salary commensurate with experience. Applv Florida Prestressed Concrete Company, 6301 N. 56th St. Precast Department.
Equal opportunity employer, BRINK'S Inc. of Florida needs full time part time men over 21. Apply 9 to 12, 1 to 4:30. 1102 N. St.
SR. PROGRAMMER, 1MB Exper. Age, Educ. open. Sal.
Determined only by exper. Call 229-6185. ACCURATE EMPLOYMENT 1405 Exch. Bk. Bldg 610 Florida SHORT order Cook.
Apply in person, Redwood Inn, 6719 Nebraska Ave. BARBER. Excellent job and pay. Brook Plaza Shopping Center. Call after 6:30.
796-3070. Brooksville. BEACH HOTEL (ALL YEAR) Matire'd (over 451 to $500 Bartender waitress, sal. tips Dock master, boat exper. open 6 day wk (live in), car nee.
Wm. Flowers Associates 257-4701 JANITORS, waxers, full and part time. Apply American Building Maintenance Company. 205 Twiggs 1 BR Study 2 bedroom two bath FRANCHISE AVAILABLE EXCELLENT location In Tampa: Operate your own profitable coin Laundry ft Dry Cleaning Store We Want Ad Ph. 223-491) Horldo Real Etf 2 bedroom 2 2 bath 3 bedroom 2 bath 20 62 Warehouses or Storage 330 HYDE PK.
rms effs. day-wk. Everything furn. rcas. 258-3821.
NICE clean room. Home cooked meals, lunches packed 238-1254. SEMINOLE, females, quiet, spacious room with bath, after 5, 238-7381. ROOMS by the" Week, $10, $11, $12 ft S15. Sulphur Springs Hotei.
Phone 935-9874 CLOSE in near Bayshore. Furnished rooms, utilities. Gentlemen preferred. 257-2962. All private, utilities furnished.
8212 Elmer St. 3 ROOMS furnished, clean $21 per week, utilities furnished, upstairs. 905 E. Buffalo Ave. NEAR Bayshore, exceptional 1 bedroom furnished apartment, electric, adults.
876-6527, 257-7771 12' 2 ACRES On 381 At Darby In" 30 Reol Estate Wanted PHONE 988-1270 TEMPLE TERRACE 10605 N. 56th ST. APARTMENTS RUING the grace, charm and elegance of Old Spain into your life today Live in a luxurious atmosphere with gracious surroundings and congenial neighbors at Riverbrook. One and two-bedroom. F'urnished or unfurnished.
Two swimming pools. Clubhouse activities. Overnight guest rooms. Uniformed Security Service. Conveniently Located at BUFFALO AVENUE AND HILLSBOROUGH RIVER CALL TODAY 236-5549 A DOWNS PROPERTIES.
INC. DEVELOPMENT SUBLET June 10-Septeirfber 10. 2 bedroom, 2 haths, AC, large pool, furnished, $160 month. 932-8472, 935-3243. MONEY Pasco County.
Some Oaks ft Some Pines On High. Sloping Pasture Land. $8,500. S850 Dn. $85 Mo.
Palmer Smith, Realtor. 229-1424, Home 255-1791. 52 House For Rent deli FOR commission sales Opportunity, Write Weaver Airline Per. Sch. P.O.
Box Clearwater, Fla. RECREATIONAL PROPERTY Beautiful Blue Springs Swimming Diving Fine Timber Farmland Mile Frontage Withlacoochee River, Mile Frontage Hwy. No. 6 350 Acre Tract Madison Co. For Sale By Owners or B.
M. Bryan Madison, Fla. SUWANNEE RIVER LGTS 150 CSH S25 MO. Ige. shady, near 'Trenton Branford.
Hankins NICE home for aged, good meals 5 ACRES, 4 miles Southeast Zephvrhills, Pasco County. Price $2000 1 Cash) Paul Young, Broker. 257-2621. supply: carefully researched location, financial assistance, properly planned lay-outs. Consumer advertising, Equipment Service School ft much more with NO Franchise Fee.
For information Call Collect or Write; John Astles. MILLS-PEARSON CORP. 5925 Carrier St. N. St.
Pete. 525-2149 Eves, or Weekends, Tampa. 935-7446 A-l PET Shop, Grooming $1400 in Shopping center. Sacrifice. Terms.
PANDORA NT 1 RISES Suite 115, 1111 N. Westshore 877-7365 237-8541 DRIVE-IN Restr. BIdg. Corner 301 WE have available cash for vour equity. Call 223-5423.
K. C. HILTON. INC. REALTORS WE have buyers for homes in all sections and in all price ranges.
If your price is right we car, seil it. J. R. Mynatt, Inc. Realtors gaBCTMiliiliTiiHW 11 f3 S100.
508 Azeele, corner Macnona. 257-5551. CLEAN, quiet sleeping room, Linens furnished. Near Downtown, 22 Hyde Park Ave. AT ITS VERY BEST ie APARTMENT LIVING 10 ACRES wooded, oaks, pines, high and $1,500 an acre.
Call 677-6873 or 677-1716. rue puuTATlOJl SPACIOUS Duplex, Bungalette, 2 bedroom furnished, immaculate. Adults. $125 876-8200. CHILDREN WELCOME FURN, 2, 3 BK houses near school.
8425 Mulberry. 935-3282. AVAILABLE INTER BAY AREA Unfurn 3 BR, 2 Fla rm $150 4 BR, 2 Bath. Furn. $150 3 BR, Fla.
rm, fenced yard $135 210 MODERN 2 BR. apt. $130 iviera I III I S. Armenia Adults. for rent.
APARTMENT furniture 104 CARDY Bayshore, Bachelor efficiency S12. Room, showers. frieidaire SD.OO Ultv Ree likr. 1UUO 3. Davis-Cooper Inc.
Nile 876-2151. Tampa's very special apartments for very special people. PHONE 877-2238 Tampa. Ph. 251-5071 VICINITY Gunn Highway.
1 Bedroom, large private lot, yard garbage service utilities furnished. Adult couple only. $25 weekly. 254-6611. 50x10 Near Northgate Adults.
Phelps Trailer Court. 97U6 Central, 935-4878. NEAR Beach, Reasonable. Anderson's Trailer Park, 4401 George Rd, 884-5524. LARGE spaces and patios.
Tampa Electric, Bloomingdale Trailer Court, 243-8054. 1 2 Bedrooms trailers awnlngn air cond. 3101 W. Hillsboro Ave. VERY cleaD trailers $12 up.
Also 1r lots, patio Tampa elec Erikson. 3417 50th St. 246-7431. HILLSBORO TRAILER PARK 10209 HILLSBORO Ave. Lots, trailers.
Ph. 884-2653 or 884-7751. NEW warehouse 480' HWY Iron-tageseil-rent. 243-2701. 026-5480.
3,500 SQ. CB. heated, convenient, zoned industrial, reason- able, 839-3425. WAREHOUSE" CBS. high "ceiling, approx.
15,000 sq. ft. with air conditioned offices. Immediate occu-paney. Phone 243 2115.
SMALL storage spaces available in Drew Park. For information call 872-9329. Nights and weekends 839-3631. EAST Broadway near 1-4; Estuary near docks. Both with rail.
Call 228-7880 Mr. Ber- nard. WAREHOUSE SPECIALISTS TAMPA'S BEST SELECTION of WAREHOUSES and COMMERCIAL Rentals, from 2,000 Sq. Ft. call Tom Sheehan 229-1861 JAY HEARIN, INC.
Industrial Realtors Since 19211 800 Marine Bank Bldg. 5000 SQ. Ft" S7 Armenia and Horatio. $150 per month. 253-3151.
Inverness Moody. Suit. sev. type businesses. Lease to respons.
people. Call 677-1G77 or 872-0915. Al Worley Realtor fiismvASHKR. Annlv kitchen, COMPLETELY fenced ft cross-fenced. All in Grass.
Fish Pond. Nice modern block Home, located near Dade City. $45,000. $15,000 down. ROOM Bargain $30 month.
$8 wk Also $12 $15 up. Effic's $15. Cool, TV, Ref. 3302 Fla 877-6518 4617 N. Hubert.
877-5458. ROOMS, Apartments. $7.00 weekly up. Hotel, 9th Ave. Corner 14th St.
241-2181. 1 2 BR apts. MacDill AFB personnel invited to inspect. All util turn. 3400 Martin.
839-3333. REDECORATED. furnished, 4 rooms and bath. Private, adults, $55. 714 Forest Ave.
225-2423, 6 117 "INTER BAY BLVD. 1 BR. furn, downstairs, $67.60 mo. CALL 877-3612 1208 E. CLIFTON, bungaleite furnished couple $75.00 mo.
Utilities extra. 935-8331. ReaUors Ph. 229-8311 FURNISHED duplex, with carport, $75 month. Water and garbage paid.
223-2258. APARTMENT for rent, utilities fur-nished, $15 week. 244-4651. apartments 3600 N. Howard Avenue 877-5219 877-4241 Phone 229-1821 Since 1927 PRIVATE Party.
3 BR. 2 large lot, nice neighborhood, prefer TT area. $1,000 to $1,500. down. No realtors.
877-4537, 935-1803. NORTHERN buyer desires 3 bedroom, low equity, William Stewart Broker, 877-4400. WILL pick up payments (S) on Concrete Block home. 3 bedroom 1 bath payments not to exceed $95. Forest Hills area, call 876-3814 after 5:30 PM.
OVF! WOODED WATER 0 NT cits S1895 TERMS. Snapo Realty 839-6358 5216 S. Dale Mabry Sheraton Tampa Hotel, 515 E. Cass St. BTBraWnSEarTSgg1: GIF TESTIMONIA fnc Reg.
Brokers. Ph. 72t-L us Highway 41 1 mile AND SUSPENMIS HOTEL houseman, (general cleaning) Hospitalization insurance, va-calion paid. Apply In person Man-acer's office. Sheraton Tampa So.
Inverness. Open ACRES NEAR ZEPHYRHIL1S $7,750. 51500 down. $75 month i Lakeland I AM a one yr. old RESTS-TAVERN in a large Marina.
My Owner is a Grandfather was tired when we started. He carry's home about S1000 month. I need a new energetic Owner with $6,500, My Agent will arrange the rest. Call him, 839-2154. That's one the oldest BETTER HOUSE RENTALS D.
A. Schwartz Assoc. Realtor Phone 877-7565 BUNGALETTE," 2 bedroomT newly renovated, attractive, water, ga-rage $130. 504Vfe N. Bradford Furniture $10 Per Mo.
Up BUY $400 worth of furniture at Wholesale Prices for onlv $10 per mo. Hunt's (U-Haul Save) 1502 W. Kennedy Blvd. Ph 251-5003. NOW LEASING 9 2 3 Bedroom Apartments offered in 3 different ttylet WIDOW wants middle aged woman or couple to live in her private home.
$10 or S15 week. Food and kitchen privileges included. Prefer car owner. Phone 949-1890. BOOM, private bath in nice neighborhood.
$55 month. Some kitchen privileges. 877-2909. PRIVATE entrance, bath, refrigerator. Working gentleman.
$15 FURNISHED apartment, air conditioned, adults, 917 E. Shadowlawn. BRANDON CRICKET 2 RR, Luxury apts. Central AC, ww carpet. 689-6179 after 2, 121 Lithia Rd.
ATTRACTIVE efficiency apartments, $55 and $60, month, weekly if desired, 110 S. Fielding. 251-2715. 5 ACRES NEAR DADE CITY $5,275. $1000 down, $60 month BEL-MAR REALTY CO.
Realtors 6504 N. Florida Ave. Ph. 236-5521 BEDROOM, go ing. Near collei brary, shopping id comfortable liv-e, high school, equity, as- S4.U79..35 ta 67c Low payments mommy.
J. B. Hickey's Furniture Rentals 130 S.Franklin 223-2548 NEAR USF, 1 2 "bedroom luxury apartments, furnished, AC, WW carpet, from $115, also 1 bedroom furnished duplex, $90. Corner of 30th 42nl St 935-2869, 935-0110. RENTAL PROPERTY OWNERS BUY your furniture direct, at true WHOLESALE PRICES.
Cheaper than leasing. Call Bill CadreCha. Tampa Wholesale Furn. Co. 1320 E.
7th Ave. 248-1948 BACHELOR apartment. Near Car- rolhvood. Beautifully decorated. AC.
WW carpeting. $1)5 monthly. Incudlng maid service. 932-9263 or J335-4772. GARIBE FANTLE APTS.
1 2 BEDROOM apts. Furn, or unfurn. $125 to $175. To inspect Hotel, 515 E. Cass St.
RETIRED man to operate pony ride at I.owry Park, Apply Fairy- land Gift Shop. BUSBOY, Dining room. Experienced Apply John Tassi, Sheraton Tampa Hotel, 515 E. Cass St. New TARA House North 4714 CORTEZ (Rear Holiday Inn Dale Mabry) A PA'S most modern conveniently located Apts.
46-1 bedroom unit.s. symbols for making sure. WE NEED YOUR LISTING! QUALIFIED BUYERS WAITING J. W. PALMER.
Realtor 932-1011 WANTED to buy, 4 bedroom home with small acreage in Brandon area, from individual. 253-5331, Mrs. Fuller. LISTINGS WANTED 24 1 BR homes. Have Prospects I Weil one thing is for 6612 S.
MacDILL Ave. near AFB. Mod. spaces, accom. 65' 8x25' patios, Tampa Elec.
Apt. Trlrs. rented. CHILDREN ELCOME. F'OR Rent: New trailers, air cuiid.
Also trailer spaces. No pets, chil-dren. 935-9554. FUR ISH I trailers. $10 week up.
children welcome. Scarab Trailer WANTED for high-volume restaurant, year round work with good salary. Top fringe benefits. Send resume to Mr. Tolbert.
Surfside RcslniiranL Capc Coral. Fla. WE need an assistant or a part lime student to pump gas only. Lest Oil Co. US 301, just Soulh of 22nd St.
CARPENTER, experienced. Crating housi-hold goods etc. Apply 1029 CONSTRUCTION LABOR DRYWALL HANGERS 7013 N. Himes Ave. CARLTON ARMS OF EGYPT LAKE GEORGETOWN APTS.
On Old Tampa Bay NEW unfurnished apartment GF. electric kitchens and air conditioning. Pool, Beach, Fiahlng utilities included 43O0 West Shore Blvd Phone 839-5334 238- weekly. First mouth-advance. New Pert Rithey sure, everyone likes a I Model open weekdays 9-5, Sunday 1-5.
Other times by appointment. 64 Wanted to Renr 3J. Ufc 19H8. CLEAN comfortable room, venient. 114 S.
Brevard. Unfurnished I sure thing. Nothing is YOUNG men (0 share 2 bedroom furnished apartment. 4515North A. HERMANS apts furn unlurn pvt bth 1st fir h-wtr (pa Ybor Bel Hts 4955 E.
7th Ave. 235-7773. TRADING stamp exchange. Moved to 109 S. Brevard Ave.
phone 251- 3340. CARE for ambulatory lady in my home, references exchanged 935- 73 Travel Opportunities SHIP Vil'K CAB Anywhere USA-ICC carrier insured AAACON 2401 W. Kennedy 251-2965 nights. 949-4936 s'U DENT Exchange trip to Argen-ttoa July 1 to August 15. 884-6923.
CHRISTIAN couple desires ride to Penn. firsl week in June. Call 876-0460. Will share expenses. WANTED: Companion traveler to Oakland, Calif.
Share expenses and conversation. Will leave Tampa on or about 20 May. For information call Tampa 211-7321. DRIV ERS needed. Minneapolis' Toronto, Virginia, Ohio.
Aaacon f)4n-4336 DRIVING to Indiana June 4th, and return in 10 days, can take one. Write Tribune-Times, Box F-973. WOMEN. MEN DRIVERS" Com? where the action is. No waiting.
Cars Ready now. Maine, NYC, Buffalo. Toronto, Ohio, Chicago, Wise, Iowa. 2422 Central, St. Petersburg, 896-4634.
UNFURNISHED 3 or bedroom. 2 Park 689-3011. SPACIOUS LUXURIOUS 4506 VASCONIA 2 JOSEPHSON. RE I.TOR 835-5321 Sunset Park Homa Wanted SEMI-drivers. Over the road experience.
Salary plus expenses. Apply 1029 Twiggs St. FIBERGLASS boat manufacturer needs 1 man to fahrieate molds. 1 man for Gelcote touch up and 3 men for finishing. Experience preferred, but we will train alert willing applicants.
Company offers good wages, benefits and paid holi bath house to rent, with option to surer today thati the ca- MOTEL room. $24.50 weekly. E. Hillsborough Ave. PRtVATF anana nuar Hiphviav 41 ease, OYER 3 ACRES YOUR Place To Live In The Coon-try With Oaks, Some Pasture, Creek ft Just 25 Minutes Frtm Downtown NE.
Paimer Realtor. 229-1424; Home 255-1791. WIMAUMA, 4 acres 3 tracts. $50 down, $35 monthly. Trade, income property.
677-1128. 30 ACRES Close in. 990' paved road frontage. Real CHESTER W. BOBIER, Realtor Ofc.
949-1031 Res. 949-1339 SMOAK BROS. INC. REALTORS buy. 22I-77S7 ALMOST A Davis-Cooper Inc.
ACRE TRACTS $1485 JUST picture your trailer or weekend cottage under the shady trees on the tracts now being offered by Gulf Coast Acres, high lands, low down payment, $o0 dn. Exclusive agent LOVELY upstairs room for 2 business men, breakfast included S20 weekly. 347-7888 Nelson. St. Pete.
PENTHOUSE Frott-Free Washer and Realtors Ph 229-831! Featuring: Self -Cleaning Oven Refrigerator Dishwasher -Dryer, some units Also reers in Computers af Florida Technical College. The Training is GROCERY store, meats, beer, good location. 223-2178. or 876-3373. RESTAURANT Good Business location.
Tired. Sacrifice 626-0229, 626-9041. COCKTAIL Lounge Package, doing tremendous business. Outstanding corner location. Property wanted by oil Co.
Business properly, $150.000, terms. LAUNDROMAT for sale. Well established business, 6119 Florida, Phone; 884-7642. SMALL wholesale Sea food business. Man wife operation.
Stock, equipment business. Will train, $3995.00. 876-0652. 1. LT.
CONST BUS. Av. gross mo. 25 profit. value (a $26,500.
2 INSULATION BUS Sales $325,000 yr. Net yr. Net worth price terms. 877-6036 Tom Mason, Slsm 832-2531 Kersev Realtor, 4608 Kennedy Blvd. TWO bedroom CB duplex Fur BA SHORE.
Sleeping room, $13. Suite with kitchenette, S15. Gentleman. 255-6751. FULl RECREATIONAL FACILITIES SALES PROMOTION S9000 Nationally recognized co needs man with imagination and drive Lila time call Tom Curry.
call 876-3346 nished Spotlessly clean. AC. Adults, no pets, $110 monthly. SEVILLE APTS. 2808 AZEELE ST.
ALL MODERN FACILITIES 876-6152, 876-2195 CANTERBURY APTS. 103 FLORAL DR. FURNISHED and unfurnished 2 bedroom apts. Carpet, drapes, AC, near USF and 1-75. Call 932-2310.
H.nrv D'ineus. Jr. Realtor (P.O. Call Ed Brown Rlty Bkr. 877-7621 PRIVATE party will buy your equity and assume balance.
839- 0936. I BUY EQUITIES PH CASH BUYER wants nice 10A tract. Vicinity Linebaugh Gunn Hwy. ATLANTIC REALTY 8408 Florida SAMUEL FELDMAN, Bkr. 935-3464 Fia.
Found Something? NOTIFY OWNERS OF WHAT YOU'VE FOUND sure, the students are Furnished 1 Bedroom $125 Acid'l storage space laundry mi Res. 876-4497. 876-8007 FERNW0OD GARDEN APTS. 1701 E. 131 AVE, Near U.S.F.
V.A.. Hosp 1-75 1 2 BR Furn Unfurn. $110-3165. Tel. 132-4S24 Office open 9 A.M.-5 P.M.
Mon Sat EFFICIENCY apartment 'for" one or two, shower, private entrance. 3319 W. Hillsboro. NEAR 1-75 and "HHfsborough, all Brand new 3 room, unfurnished, cool and Quiet, $98. One year lease.
238-3252. LAND O' Lakes, nicely furnished, 1 bedroom, CB cottages. Lake privi-leges. 949-1642. NEAR USF.
New duplex apartment. One bedroom. AC. Drapes. WW carpeting.
Furnished or unfurnished. See at 140t6 Ave. 12th St. 4 blocks N. of Fletcher or call 932-5607.
935-0110. Box 821) New Port Richey ph 849-2251 (AD6SLB352-F). in town. Private Call evenings 256- 223-27IU Snleling Snelling FINEST ROOM phone available. 7622.
25 Vacant Lots and 54. Pond, Garden space, Q.uiet Adults. $25 949-1307. 3 BEDROOM mobile home for rent. Near Golden Gate Speedway.
988-7541. MANGO Mobile Park. No thru traffic. Ideal family living. 689-8671, 626-1698.
ONE 10' trailer for rent or for sale Phone 988-3855. NICE clean 2 bedroom. Carpet, AC. Utilities furnished. No pets.
935- 4454, 932-9546. ONE and 2 bedroom trailers, no pets, 1 mile north of 1-4, on Hwv. 301, 988-7145. Model by days etc. An exceptional opportunity to learn or improve your trade.
Apply in person between 9 AM and Noon at West Wind Boat 5010 N. Coolidge Ave. Drew Park ask for Mr. Elliott or Mr. Peckner.
I NEED one man who needs to earn S1000 to $1500 a month. Call Wavne Holt at 877-2136. 1600 SQ, FT. of living with a view. 3 BR 2 bath, available July 1.
WESTSHORE PTS 876:7416 DAVIS ISLAND APARTMENTS, 1 2 bedroom private rooms. AC, TV, pool, all utilities, irom $100 month. 253-3351. EFFICIENCY apartment for rent. $70 monthly.
Phone 876-8192 or 872-6264. Kane's Port Richey COTTAGE. Lake Ontario, west, adults, season $150 monthly, otherwise $200 monthly, 209 Straub Road Rochester, New York, 26. FURNISHED 2 BR, near Norlhgate. $43 per week, utilities paid, 2 wks advance.
935-4802. NEBRASKA Ave. April Lane. 302' on Nebraska Ave. 200' deep.
520,000. Inquire at 800 W. Kennedy Blvd. LOTS. 100x2711.
S5.500. Lot 90x120, SL800. 238-4707, 31 Exchange or For Sale sure and the graduates secure. Call 253-0611 AND BE SURE MOTEL, house, trailer spaces. 300' frontage on 19.
Must sell. Will finance. Port Richey. 849-4977. COLLEGE students summer positions and full time positions in termite fumigation department Must he able to climb and work at hoiehLs.
Experience desired but not necessary. Apply Young Pest Control, 2011 W. Piatt St. MECHANIC wanted with truck ex-perience Must have hand tools. 502 S.
Nebraska. BEAUTIFUL 6 acres, cleared, fenced, Northeast USF, high, dry. 935-5782. Wifhlacooche APARTMENTS (North Tampa's Prestige Address) 7015 North 56th Street, Tampa Phone 988-7305 988-7306 EMMIT E. WILKES.
Resident Manager SHORE COLONY LUXURIOUS 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom 2 bath apts for ADULTS WALK-IN CLOSETS CENTRAL Air-conditioned heat. All Westinehouse Electric Kitchen SWIMMING POOL CONVENIENTLY located opposite Westshore shopping Pla7a. FURNISHED MODEL IN DUE to illness two beautiful corner building lots, and sewer in shady and some citrus trees. 233-5021. If WEE OF CHARGE TO FINDERS OFFERED AS A PUBLIC SiJWCE BY THE TAMPA TRIBUNE-TIMES MANAGER TRAINEE VOUNG man looking for career with aggressive financial institution.
Interstate Securities Co. 4315 Fla. Ave. Apply in person. An equal opportunity employer.
SNORT ORDER COOK Predevelopment SMALL new cottage. All utilities. Nice location near Britton Plaza. Very reasonable. 833-1433.
SEMINOLE, new, furnished, refrigerator, private entrance, bath. $15. 233-3193. 2 BEDS in 1 room. 2 men, or 2 ladies, man and wife, S200 month-Iy, room and board.
835-0621. 2812 CENTRAL Ave. Room, kitchenette, furnished, utilities, quiet. Adults $13. ROOMS.
AC. Private bath. Phone. TV. Swimming pool.
Maid service. Weekly rates. $20. Davis Island Hotel. 253-3351.
TAMPA bests. AC, gentlemen. Kitchen. $12.50 up. Private.
3009 W. Waters Ave. LEASE New 12x60' 2 Bedroom DELUXE Ph. 689-7120 2 BEDROOM' trailer clean. Children Welcome 920-5397.
MODERN trailers for rent. City on Waterfronts HIDE-AWAY LOTS RIVER RETREAT -Jj- NOBLETON, FLA. air. I TUE TAfETC I ATTRACTIVE! Air Conditioned! Centrally Located! 303 S. Tampa-nia.
254-7303 after 5, BACHELOR to Share lease. 2 bed-room 2 bath apartment 839-5920. 3 ROOM, furnished duplex apartment. Clean. Near Northaate and USF.
Adults. Inquire 9802 nth St. HYDE Park, well furnished, tile bath, parking. Working adults. 254-8641 I 2 bedroom, spacious, clean, AC, $100 monthly.
502 SAlbany 836-7331. HYDE PARK, efficiency $55 month. Utilities paid. 717 North Street 253-5937. 3 BEDROOM, CB home.
Near USF. Phone 626-8065. 1 BEDROOM furnished. CleaD. Couple preferred.
SXj month. 1st and last in advance. Duplex. 8104 Alaska St. Phone after 5 BEDROOMS, 3 tile bathrooms Large house $140.00.
2506 AZEELE 251-6036 FURNISHED Duplex 612 W. Buffalo Ave. Adults only. Call 677-1989 For key. 2 BEDROOM furnished, clean.
Enclosed sarase. Attached. Adults. 13647 Florida Ave. 2423 WATROUS AVE.
LOVELY 3 BR, 2 bath, air cond. Furn or unfurn. $175 per mo. Call VACANT S2x90 noM BEAUTIFUL oaks, hickory, holly, elm, wild pecan woods, save $300 b-' buving before completion, very reasonable terms, finest location in Citrus County. Paul B.
Gignac, Realtor. State Road 200, 5 miles sewers. Hookers Point, Industrial area. DeSoto Trailer Park, 243-0931. ACRE trailer lot for rent in Green Grass Acres.
Call 920-5704 af ter4. BRANDON Area. New mobile homes. By interview only. Turn left off Hwy.
60 on St. Cloud Ave. Cypress Mobile Home Park. 913-22nd Ave. Call Mr.
Brain 228-7551 Ext 241 DAUPHINE APARTMENTS Most Convenient Place to Live in All of Tampa 5 2520 Frievson. belueen Armenia and Habana Avenues 60x110', $2,000. 50x110' WITH well septic tank, SL800. $100 down, S2j month. 877-4497.
TEMPLE TERRACE AREA 70 51 Apcrftnenfs for Rent Lost Fojnd 13 UNIT Motel Intown U.S. Hwy. $25,000 down. JOHN J. BRENNAN, REALTOR 124 W.
Main Lakeland. Fla. LKit'OR Bar. exceptional location. Building, land business, dn.
232-6722, BEASLEY, assoc 919-6361 Ruth Montgomery, Rlty. Broker ESTAURANT, busy $2000 TAVERN, games, busy. $4500 TAVERN, liv. qtrs. Grill $5500 BAR, Pkg.
Lounge, $14,000 mo. BAR Pkg. Prop. $55,000 NURSERY Si Kndgtn 70 enrolled GROCERY, Beer, Prop. $25,000 935-6583 Creighton.
Assoc. 935-1169 Carol D. Donjey, Realtoi RETIRING, Well established, book store, 3613 S. Dale Mabry, Tampa. Excellent growth potential.
Gross $21,000 per year. Only $7500. MAKE $300 week, in waste oil business, includes truck and established route. $10,000. Call Mr.
Paul 238-5257. LEI us sell vour business for vou: we have cash customers waiting. PANDORA ENTERPRISES 1111 West Shore, Suite 115. Office 877-7505. Evenings 237-8541.
22 Vocation Properties Car.psites FINISH High School at home in spare time with I.C.S. Study subjects you need. Complete course or prep equivalency exam. Gf approved. Contact William Roland, international Correspondence Schools, 605 McDonald Lakeland.
Medical Tr iiting Center TRAINEES are now being selected as nurses aides, medical assistants receptionists. No experience nec- PRIVATE TUTOR $1.50 PER hour. Reading modern math-Spanish tn English Spelling, other subjects. Tribune-Times Box V-695. Inexpensive Training Program Nurses Aide Cashier Checker C.T.I.
709 Franklin 223-2797 82 Tuforirt. 3 BEDROOM trailer 12x57, no small children, pets 677-6754, S25 week. 4607 FIG ST. 876-7551 RIVER HALL APARTMENTS ON beautiful Hillsboro River. Fishing, boating, 1 and 2 bedroom, furnished and unfurnished.
Central heat air. carpet and pool. 40th St. and Hillsboro River. Call todav 872-9346 8:30 to 5.
626-8551 after 0 and on weekends. 2 BR, living room, private bath, kitchen, $100 monthly. 835-0621. DREW PARK, clean 2 Inquire 4303 W. Woodlawn.
Phone 876-7250. PALMA Ceia, beautifully furnished 1 bedroom, AC, WW carpet, pet-less. nice, $90. 3306 Villa Rosa. FURNISHED 2 bedroom luxury apartment.
AC. carpeting, king size bed. Vicinity USF. $125. 8 HOUR 6 day week.
Chance for advancement. Numerous company benefits. Apply in person, Ranch House Restaurant 7700 W. Hillsborough, TELEPHONE SALESMEN TRAINEES I will train you to earn $10,000 per year upwards in commission: If you have any sales exp. Have a good telephone voice Are free to travel in Fla.
Call 253-3341 for appointment. MAN 25 to 35 for sales 4: delivery of Artists' supplies. Only permanent resident 251-1041. FIRST FLOOR 3 RM FURN $73 MO. ON BUS, A-C 115 S.
DALE MABRY One and Two Bedroom L'nits with Private Patio-Porch 59 Beach Rentalt IfEOTZ ANNOUNCES the wzw my mi of TAMPa If you're going to any of the following cities, drive Hcrti Ford or another good car and we pay for the gas and oil. Baltimore, Md. Boston, Msss. Hartford, Conn. New York, New York Philadelphia, Pa.
Richmond, Va. Trenton, N.J. Washington, D.C. DENNIS'S Cottages on Lake Echo, weekly or monthly rentals 920-5028. SUMMER RETREAT, secluded, quiet, cool.
June-September. Children welcome. References required. Everything Furnished. S110 SERVICE Station Attendant with good experience.
Full time job. 124 W. Hillsboro. CARPENTER: ALL AH' 1UM MAN APPLY AT JOB, 3006 Swann Ave. SERVICEMEN TO $8300 NATL known co needs all around man to educate advance to prestige pos Call Mac McCord.
223-2701 Snelling Snelling EXPERIENCED workers needed in promotion control Frozen Meat Plant. Shipping clerks, grinders and cooks. Salary Open. Applv 4819 Cooper Place, Drew Park, 8 AM to5PM. GROVE Workers needed, call Central Grove Co.
-Op Winter Haven at 294-6719 $1.50 per hr. ALL around Cabinet Man. Apply in person to 1809 14th St. EXPERIENCED "top notch window cleaning foreman-supervisor to run big shop. Starting salary S200 per week plus many fringe benefits.
Rapid advancement, bright future for right man. Write Acme Window Cleaning Company, 1421 N. Wells Chicago, Illinois 61610. ADVERTISING SALESMAN familiar with Directory, Specialty and Program Advertising. Call 251-4895.
DRIVERS WANTED DRIVE a Red Top Cab. Good earnings, paid vacation, plus bonuses. Full or part time work. Apply in person 2007 Nebraska Ave. Sea Mr.
Pendleton. AL LATTER, Assoc. 251-3478. KENNETH G. FULLER.
REALTOR Phone 838-1351 ARMENIA, Sligh. Unfurnished three bedroom, two. $135. Petless adults, i 877-7149. 1705-17TH AVE.
MODERN: LIv. rm. Din. rm. Kit.
BR Bath, water heater 4- heat. $13.50 wk. Apply 4422 N. Armenia. 40 Bfjiness Opportunities To Buy or Sell a Business call RAYMOND F.
POWERS, Realtor 308 Tampa St. (33602) 223-3479 BAIT house, tackle shop, concession stand. Good location. Phone 834-5433. USED furniture, appliances, clothing.
$5,000. Restaurant catering service, franchised monopoly, No Real Estate Involved. Days, 235-9951. Weekends, evenings, Fredericksburg Apts 13135 N. 20th St.
Ph. 932-3250 f.Just South of Fletcher) 1 2 BR Furn. or unfur. GE eqpt. w-w carpet, cent, heat air Pool.
Recreation Room, BAYSHORE TOWERS TOWERS above all others in hoicht luxurious features with carefree living Cnr discriminating residents. Seeing is believing. 4015 Bayshore I Blvd. 839-3040. COMPLETELY private unfurn.
1 BR Bungalette, Adults. $75 mo. 254-4283. 1 ROOM Apt. nicely furn.
Newly redec. near Bayshore Gandy, $45. 5006Elbeson Ph. 251-3951. 2104 Hills Ave.
off Bayshore FURN. EFF. A-C-HEATED RES. MGR. 2.51-4032 APARTMENTS Smafl enouqh to be friendly, large enough f-o be impersonate.
For those who want beauty, comfort and conveninece. Beautiful gardens and pool. Near USF. community hospital and new shopping center Available now 7 bedroom apartments. Furnished or unfurnished.
Resident Mqr. 14001 N. 30th St. Ph. 932-8472 OVER 100 LOTS FOR SALE! ALL sizes prices, many different locations.
Cash or terms. HERB NASRALLAH. REALTOR 983-1127 988-1870 ACREAGE Large or small lots in Temple Terrace area 988-1851. PEARL ELI.ISTON. REALTOR HAYES Road; 100x310" Lots with Orange Trees.
$3500 rerms. WHALEY BROKER Ph. 932-7711 NEXT to 2920 "laSalle, 55'xl02', $1495. Call 877-4455 or 251-9377. JOSEPH C.
GRECO, BROKER WE have lots for homes and duplexes. From $850 ALL STATE HOME Inc. Bkr. 932-3457. BUILDING LOTS; W.
Kirby St. off of Armenia Ave. See 23 Farms Groves Ranches OBSTRUCTION NW Fla. 6100 pine and tune oil. MARIANNA.
-Acres, planted fz ITT -i -fc 'M, Tli -i ra'm TEACHER to do tutoring at her home over summer. Any subject, grades 1-6 855-1415, aftor 4 FM. $125 acre. ra STARKE. 40-Acre Cult 18,000 total.
GAINESVILLE 3800 Ac Farm, highly fMcJPKIHf APARTMENTS Tampa's LOST: Parakeet at Chestnut Ha-banna. Answers to Cosa Linda Bebe. Reward 876-7585. $100 REWARD black miniature male poodle wearing flea collar, lost Saturday vicinity ass St. between Howard Rome.
Call 256-92H days, 258-5571 nights. ROUND: Carpenter's hand saw On Central Avenue. Call Identify 234-7784. LOST: 7x50 Binoculars. Tampa airport, Sunday.
Reward. Call Clearwater, 447-1808, FOUND; female German Shepherd puppy, black gold. 839-5216 after 5. LOST, Pemale poodle, grey, Sunday afternoon, in vicinity of Davis Islands, answers to name of Lisa, 253-5952. FOUND two kittens.
One silver gray, one gray-white striped Vicinity of N. Boulevard and Park. Call 229-8876. FOUND: German Shepherd, male, 4 to 5 months old. Vicinity of East Gate.
F. Lloyd. 2106 E. Chelsea St. FOUND: Light brown, long fur.
Medium size female dog. No collar. Vicinity of Nebraska Ave. Jt Busch Blvd. 935-0711.
FOUND on E. Hamilton St. car keys and house keys. No. 3-34163 on plate attached to keys.
238-3870. FOUND: Red male Dachshund, on 0 tP" ON Gulf excel cond 1 2 BR cottages A-C. heat. Wk. mo.
Yr. no pets 255-190 or 251-1220. Abm Mario Itload GULF front $55. Tampa, 839-3438 after 5 weekdays. renting for June 1 neu apartments on Gulf.
Holmes Beach SI 25 weekly 253-6529 876-4346 877-5188. Indian RoeJts Beach GULF Front. AC Cottage, apartments, 6 bedroom house. Reserve. J372-6524 RESERVE Now.
"Gulf "Front apart- ment, AC. $50-up. 933-2883 876-8564. 2 BEDROOM cottage. Off season $35 weekly.
Air conditioned. 932-3747. EFFICIENCY apartment, $45 weekly. Ebb-Lo Motel, 19204 Gulf Boule-vard, 595-4222. 2 BEDROOMS, AC, gulf front home, available.
877-3821 Tampa 6-9 PM. WORKERS HIRING DAILY 7:30 To 8:30 A.M. Never drive cnr ngnin, unless you want to! Bus service is a step awayl Restaurants and Cafeterias nearby! Walk to 3 Shopping Centers! Banks and Savings Loans are close! Tampa Stadium and St. Joseph's are in your neighborhood! All Apartments Include: Air conditioning Wall-to-Wall Carpeting Draperies Tiled Bath Worlds of Storage Laundry Facilities Water PHONE 813872-6857 or 813872-9357 ALBERT DE BLOIS REALTOR Address of Distinction FURNISHED 2 Story, in rooms. 6129 Nebraska.
$150 month. 935- 9054. PALMA Ceia. Large beautifully furnished 1 bedroom. AC.
WW carpet. Petless married couple. 3306 Villa Rosa. NEAR USF 2 Fedroom, W-W car pet, A-C, kitchen equipped only. $125 month.
9314 20th St. 932-4371. NEAR USF. 3 BR. 2 Baths.
Fla. rm. Unfurn. $150 per mo. BETTE J.
RODGERS. Bkr. 935-4440 FOR 4 months, 1 bedroom, furnished house. Adults oriy. no children or pets.
884-8123. bedroom, AC, furnished, Apply at 12331 Woodleieh Ave. 254-5834 after 6. mm: to Res. 223-3324 Ofc.
872-9840 This NEWSPAPER docs -or lowwlnqlv accept HELP-' WANTED ADS riiat indl- I RIVER CIVIL ENGR TO $12,000 Tampa bay area Call Jeremiah. 223-2701 Snelling Snelling GARDEN apartments imp. ranch $350 Ac. CALL Danese with SWD Realtors Jax AC 904-356-7371. ELBOW BOOM l7Vz ACRES, Citrus Park area, will divide.
SI, 100 Acre, good terms. 20 ACRES, good pasture land, 3 inch well, Cilius Park Area. $700 acre, low down payment. 60 ACRES, South Hernando County, just off U.S. 41.
lush pasture of Pangola and Bahia, $595 Acre, verv good terms. Almost 200 ACRES, Central Pasco Countv, mile State Road Frontage, $97,500, good terms. MADELINE E. PRINCE, Realtor Ph. Tampa 949-1444 Land O'Lakes On U.S.
41 N. SPECIALIZE in the sale of mature and voung groves. Contact me to I WOODED LOTS Trailer Or Cottage 75x762 Ft $495 $20 Down $15 Month :ujsm.i Could wbuv jjBjfjE BAYSHORE GARDEN APTS. I UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, living rm, dining room, play Ground Available soon. 323 Bayshore Blvd.
Ph 253-5954 Furniture $10 Per Mo. Up BL'Y $400 worth of furniture at Wholesale Prices for only S10 per WASTERS jHsrtzj li 1 Tampa's cps( and inos! in IH 1 care a preference besed cn age from employer! covered by Hm AGE DISCRIMINATION IN EM-PLOYMCNT ACT. More Information may he obtained from the Waqe-Hour officfl or 505 Now Federai BufM-inq. 500 Zcck Street, Tampa, F'otldc. 32402, telephone: 228-771 1, extension 101 to success JOURNEYMAN LABORERS Buffalo Ave.
at Hillsboro River See Mr. Allison. GROVE workers needed. Board and lodging available. W.
H. Clark Fruit Lutz. 4425 LAWN 3 BR Fla. Rm WE OFFFR: GULF Front 1 2 bedroom 150 week up. Reserve now Alice Unf.
$95.00. 3713 AZEELE 3 BR Unf $110.00 Frank Burns Realty, Reallors Phone 877-7425 Henderson Ha, oil Gunn Hwy. ro 104 E. ZACK ST. Ph.
10 A.M. 6 P.M. St, Pete Call 862-950H I Rant Fr II Other CwJ Cr 5 44rxtpxrinir APPLIANCES INCLUDED II MUJJilittil All I "11'. 1 I MI.1U IM NOW LEASING I Pierce, Realtor 201 14th Ave. 595- I tag.
Call 920-567, after 5 PM 5288. FOUND: Tame Rabbit, vicinity Plymouth and Kinynn. Give age COUNTRY place, 1 acre and apartment for USF graduate student, $60 per month. 932-8596. OPENINGS in our Termite Department.
Excellent opportunity to learn a profession. Bruce-Terminix Co. 3432 S. Dale Mabry. Indian Rocks Southshore JOEL'S $50 sleeps fi.
2 BR also EXPERIENCED or trainee. High income. Excellent benefits. Las Novedades Restaurant, 7th Ave. at 15th St 2 DREDGE dump foremen, must also be able to operate dozer for work at Treasure Island and Indian Rocks Beach, also 3 shore laborers.
An Equal opportunity employer. Apply Dredge Captain or Hendry Corp. 5107 S. Westshore Blvd. Tampa.
EXPERIENCED WELL DRILLER WANTED. 920-5336. ELECTRICAL ENGR $12,000 Local co neesa a top mgmt prospect to head dept Many benefits too Call Mac McCord 223-2701 Snelling Snelling EXPERIENCED Painter, before 7 and description 225-6771. FOUND part or mostly Dachushund vicinity Lnwery Park. Call to iden-tify 872-6258.
74 Child Care TaIIs'nEW ADDRESS O'prsyiNCTlOtf 1 Custom Bicrsdinq (8 different octane gasoline from one pump) 2 Annual refunds ccsh discounts on oil Tires, Batteries Accessories purchased from Sunoco. mo. Hunt -itaui save) 1002 W. Kennedy Blvd. Ph.
251-5003 CORAL CREST APTS. 472S SO. XBASE ST 2 3 furn or unfurnished Carpeting Ail Cond. Pool Near Mac! -Bus Shopping Office on premises Ph. 839-2411 COll APA RT EN Nr.
est'. 1-2 Bdrms. Lge pool AC, low rates. S32-3828, fi32-8909 WESTSHORE Plaza area, air conditioned, furnished apartment. 595.
877-lOflR, 229-8044. 3 BK Gulflront 19325 Gull Biva. Tampa 884-4470, Beach 595-3178. HIGH, Dry, lot" In Citrus County adjoining wildlife management area and Withlacoochee State Forest. Lots of oaks and pines good roads Only 5 miles from Homosassa Springs.
For a weekend retreat or retirement. See Leisure Acres North on US 41 to Jet. 98 at Brooksville North on 98 to S.R. 491 Right to office Open riailv lncl Sundav -Closed Thursday Tel. 904-795-2897.
'AD68LB328-G). 145x165. TALL Pines, off Dale Model open 10 am to 6 pm corner TAMPA BAY 3LVD. HOWARD 1, 2 3 Bedroom Apts. Furnished and unfurnished Also Efficirncies 4 Swimming Pnnis Riverfront Apts.
with Boat Dock? Wall-to-Wall Beautiful DMtfxii Bishwashttrt 14' Frost-Free Refrig. Drive Over Today buy or sell a grove. Chjas. W. Clewis.
Realtor 223-5711 00 ACRE RANCH" Fenced, x-fenced, 2 fine homes, barn, 2 cattle loading ramps. 45 min. South of Tampa. Bargain S135.0O0, $50,000 down. RUDY KERSEY REALTOR 4608 Kennedy Blvd.
877-6036 60 A. Grove Home $225,000. 2R7r down. JOHN J. BRENNAN, REALTOR 124 W.
Main Lakeland, Fla. 60 Office Desk Spac NICE furnished 2 bedroom house. Adults only, after 5 PM. 626-6657. NEAR ROBINSON I 3 BRs.
unfurn, 6412 S. Lois. $135 mo. Call AL LATTER, Assoc. 251- 3478.
KENNETH FULLER. REALTOR I Phone 838-1351 2 BEDROOMS, furnished. $135. 4603 So. Renellie.
831-0954. 3 ROOM house, partly furnished. Retired couple. Call 877-6500. BEDROOM 1 1 MILITARY RETIREE FULL or part time demonstration of established line of household products, i.iat sell themselves.
Excellent earnings. Investment optional. Call bi.l Huff after 6 P.M. 884-9W4. MANAGER TRAINEE FOR chain production auto paint shoos, with sales and automotive background.
Apply in person, Econo Auto Painting, 211 S. Tampa St. LAKEFRONT APARTMENT LIVING FROM a.m. alter 5:30 p.m. 254-241-.
WE BABY sit hourly on Saturday. Call for appointment 872-0588. KIDDIE Keepers. 3202 S. MacDill.
Open 7 days a week. Nights by appointment. 839-7601. CHILD care, days, nights, weekends, vacations. Private Home.
251-0511. REGISTERED mature baby sitter, your home or mine. Lea. 839-6615 LPN desires child care, infant to 5. 238-4172 before PRIVATE home! Excellent refer-ences.
Hot lunch. Phone 834-0532. WILL Baby sit in my home. By hour, day or week. Dav or night.
Clair-Mel Area. 626-8573. 24 icrcaae FOUND: Large Police dog puppy. Vicinity North of Linebaugh. 935-9687; FOUND male Collie.
Vicinity of Hillsboro and 22nd St. Call and identify. 233-0423. FOUND Pair of child's Black Frame prescription glasses Town 'N Country area. 884-6467.
FOUND cute long haired kitten, male, near Rohles Park on Virginia Ave. Call to identify 223-3298. ESCAPED from yard." Male "tri-col-ored Bassett. Bay Villa area. 839-7260.
FOUND dark rimmed prescription glasses vicinity Bayshore Blvd. Owner please call to identify M4-5W4 LOST small brown tr white dog Near Palma Ceia Country club. 251-4504, 258-6891. 1 Heated Swimming Pools and Club Houses SMALL TRACTS for trailers fi miles out. Easy terms.
HOME-LAND Really Bkr. 832-6097 6 ACRES Brandon area, School. All or part. For details Call 626-5620. PARKING attendant.
Applv in person from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. APCOA Park 'n Shop, 710 Tampa St.
EXPERIENCED auto mechanic. P.O. BOX 68 742-1331, Bradenton. 33503. Laundry and Dry (5213 MAIN Ave.
Near AFB. 4 rooms between Bay and Interbay. Utili-ties paid. No pets. PEACE AND" QUIET IS YOURS.
For the asking, by livine in one of our professionally managed apartments. 1 2 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished available at competitive rates. See our private pool and attractive landscaping. Call our Manager Mr. Mansdorf.
877-527fi for an appointment. THE 90 Jobs of Interest MALE RETIREE anl riee Umi Private Beach and Tennis Court Mabry, restricted. $2350 terms. LUTZ: 1 A. exclushe homesites among orange trees, trme.
ROBERT STONE. Realtor Ofc. 949-4687 LUTZ Re. 949-4183 50x122 NEAR Leto High on Grady and Slieh, $1,500. 876-4473.
$600 TO $1200 Choice building lots on paved street 223-4601; Eves. 876-3388. CHOICE lots in Temple Terrace, i with or without citrus trees. 106x309'. New street, water to each lotjsjraid for.
988-3652. OLDSMAR. $700 or take I Jrousc trailerJrade.855419J LARGE wooded lot near Temple Terrace priced for o.uick sale 988- WANTED Town 'N Cnty 3BR 2B Cent BltA Available June 12th 1 yr. lease I Harold Franklin, Broker, 836-6431 LARGE 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $175. 4608 S.
Cortez. 226-7381. I CENTRAL air and heat, W-W carpeting, recessed lighting and paneled, ideal for singles or young I marrieds. 5105 per month. 855-1619.
FURNISHED 1 or 2 bedroom. Elec- tric kitchen, 8-4, 884-3511. 3 BR. 810 Seward; unfurn $21 wk. 2 BR.
8301 13th St. furn $21. wk. Ph. 877-4241 Separate Adult Only Area ON I For Immediate Occupancy 1-2-3 Bedroom Pnrnished and I nfurnished Apartiiienl Eg featuring Central Ait Cond.
Laundry FacilittPS Hfl and Heating Sound Conditioning nfl Fully Carpeted and I Draped Beautiful Landscap ng Complete Kitchen Lovely Pooi and Patio Ifl (including Dishwashers) Fabulous Club House Ftdl Time Professional Management 19 EXCEPTIONALLY LOCATED AT 5020 E. BUSCH BLVD. LFJ NEAR THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA BUSCH GARDENS Minutes from Downtown Tampa PHONE 988-8555 Mrs. Beftie Farreil, Res. Mgr.
Fenced Private Patio 80 Schools-Instructions 80 Schools-Instructions BEVERLY APARTMENTS, 500 S. Itimcs Ave. EGYPT LAKE FIRST FEDERAL BUILDING 5207 N. Lois Ave. 'corner W.
Hillsboro 4- l.ols) Air-conditioned. Free Parking. Jarritor service, approx. st, ft. Phone Mr.
Brain 228 7551 i DOCTORS OR DENTIST 4428 N. Armenia Ave. 6 will partition to suit. Conv. arrangement.
AC Heat furn. Plenty parking, front 4 rear. Apply: 4422 N. Armenia. WEST Tampa Latin Plaza, inquire 3614 N.
Armenia Ave. BRAND New air cond. offices near new airport Entrance 14 5128 Cjpress St. Ph. 876-8823 DESIRABLE office suite, air conditioned central heat, Tampa The-ater BIdg.
709 Franklin 223-3214. PRIVATE office, air conditioned, answering service available. West- side of City. 872791 DOCTOR'S OFFICE IN HEAVILY populated area. AC and heated.
Paved parkini: Call 935-3141. 4218 BAY TO BAY SMALL modern office or store bldg. Appr. 420 sq. ft.
plentv park-ing, gll per month. Call 839-5905. 2305 W. PLATT STREET Wall to Wall Carpeting 3 Peid Trcininq (With expense account while in Schoc!) 4 Let us show you how to make approximately S6.50 on of cur top line tires, before you actually make a Tire Sale! i 5 Talk to us if you wart to get ahead. You are under ABSOLUTELY NO OBLI- GATION for information.
FRANCHISES AVAILABLE Tampa St. Petersburg Winter Haven FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW WRITE: MR, JOHN COX sun co. P.O. BOX 11G8, TAMPA, FLA. 33602 or Call JIM McELROY Days 8 13 -229-93 81 Eve.
855-1597 LOST: Black German Shepherd Puppy. Davis Island. Reward 251-6649. after 4. 13otp0ijt 2 RR 8716 nth St.
unfurn wk. The Swallows Come Back to Caphttano Electric Appliances rhata something we've learned t- -fjf LOST: Small mixed Scottie and poodle, male. White chest, and white paws. 1 year old. Vicinity of Westshore and Manhattan, north of Gandv.
Reward. 838-5661. cieanina route, r'aima ceia area, apply 5126 Florida Ave. PLANT. Maintenance.
Immediate Opening for all around Plant Maintenance Man. Must have some background in mechanical maintenance. Welding skills, helpful Call Mr. Edwards. Shoreline Seafoods JLimited.
248-5005. OFFICE Supervisor, Branch office! National Concern needs man 22 to 40. Draft exempt. Must have some knowledge of inventory control and sales service procedure. Fringe benefits.
Essex ernational IWI Division, 2701 Adamo Dr. 245-6821. DRAFTSMAN TO $10,000 Progressive co Call Mac McCord 223-2701 SneUing MECHANICS WANTED EMMHHH BBS cniiti hi nan mum CITRUS COUNTY VEST side alone US 19, soon be 4 laned is the new growth area. See R. K.
Lewis, Reg. Broker, office U.S. 19 Wi mi. so. of Homosassa Springs, Box 193, Phone 795-3292.
"2.2 ACRE TRACTS SI 795 PLENTY of elbow room in Ihjs section of rolling hills shade trees. You can find your dream hideaway here. Gulf Coast Acres has Just developed this new area never before offered for sale. $50 dn, $i0 mthly. See Exclusive agent; Henry Dingus, Jr.
Realtor tP.O. Box o21i New Port Richcy, Fla. ph 849-2251 AIHAiyMAN SPECIAL PA Acres, 4 2 bath home. Road on 3 sides. Macintosh off f-4.
Needs repair. Bargain, $11,500 trms. Call Tom Glisson, Assoc. 217-2914 LOIS CARVER. Realtor 248-2912 SMALL business needs retired person who is in good health for light deliveries, phone answering and general handyman.
40 hr. week. Salary open. Write P.O. Box 1841, Tampa.
SALES ADVERTISING $7200 Top national co has position with growth potential co car It's your move Call Tom Curry 223-2701 Snelling Snelling CAR wash help. Full. Pan-time, Eldorado 2230 N. Dale Mabry. EXPERIENCED asphalt distributor-operator with chauffeur's license.
Apply 9C0O N. 18th St. We are an Equal Opportunity Emo'oyer. CUT VACANCIES -Use Classified Ads to rent your property. Call 223-4911.
1 BR. 8603 Mitchell, furn $10 wk. Glenn J. James. Realtor 5-7726 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished, electric kitchen, no children 570 monthly.
I or see 3413 Arch, near Wards. NICE, 2 BR. Florida room, patio, carport, utilities, $155. 3118 Gray. 677-5376, after 4.
PALMA Ceia 2 bedroom nished. Ideal, couple. S70 monthly. 257-1771. NEWLY drrnr.Ted.
5 room cottage, all electric. Private fenced yard. FROM HI TAMPA'S FINE APARTMENTS mam the interest you li earn in a Computer career with Florida Technical College training, It's nut only interest you can count on, it's interest vou can count 7013 N. HEMES AYE. rniisBi Bami 2 ADJOINING lots each 80x125' In Dana Shores.
Also beautiful lot 75x150 in Oldsmar. All near open Bay. Reasonably priced. Call Ce-Icta Kissam, Assoc. 872-9384 days, or 872-0972 eves.
Realtors. A. (LOU) INC. LOT 54x96 cor Cypress Albany Ideal Apts or Restaurant. 932-7014.
PORT TAMPA LOTS 5O'xlO0 Suitable for homes or trailers. $495.00 each. $50.00 down. $20.00 per Mo. CaU Owner 245-5241 to see and move in.
3 LOTSlor sale on Union St. back of Montgomery Ward. 833-7311. FOUND, Maltese Cat. Vicinity 5713 S.
MacDill. Contact Mrs. J. W. FOUND: Black Tom Cat.
white whiskers and bib. About l'a years old. Town 'N Country Area. Phone 884-1821. LOST: Cocker SpameL black w-hite.
3 months old. No tag. Area of 933 McBerry in Seminole Heights. Reward. Work 229-2856 or home 235-8584.
LOST pair of Prescription sunglasses, and dark green shirt, Glasses in pocket, vicinity Colum-bus Dr. 226-2944. I Conveniently located at: WEST KENNEDY BLVD. MANHATTAN 876-5057 2919 Ivy St. 877-3798.
MODEL APARTMENTS NOW OPEN 'TIL 8 P.M. i -A IT Mrktog. 'Corner How- or (8131-2; 208 S. ALBANY. Attractively fur- ai Ai e.
i To see call -nished 2 bedroom home. AC, TOM SHEEHAN 229-1S6: 9-9381 Eve. 988-388? DON LARSON Days Call 253-061 1 TWO mechanics needed for plastics manufacturing plant Must be ex-perienced. Apply 5715 E. Hanna.
I Meir.snt Trainee SAL. to $12,000. Metropolitan Lifa Ins. Mr. Line 253-0061.
Out of Town Coll Collect JAY HEARIN, INC. iff jijiiAr Adults. 932-8176. 101 W. Henry.
Furnished 2 bedroom home. $86 monthly. Adults. Bank Bldg. jiiiiiiiiiiHnTiiiiiiiim!.