1. Understanding Electricity Basics for Film Sets | No Film School
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Step up your gaffing game with these necessary tips for lighting and safety.
2. Inside the Electric Department: Lighting, Tools, and Safety Skills
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The Electric Department is the backbone of any production. Let's look at the roles, tools, and responsibilities behind safely powering a set.
3. What Does a Grip Do? On-Set Grip & Electric Duties - Villa Maria College
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Often seen as the production’s unsung heroes, on-set grip and electric crew members serve as an essential foundation for any production.
4. 25 Grip and Electric Terms Everyone on a Film Set Should Know
May 10, 2021 · Here are twenty-five grip and electric terms that will get you started. Apple Box– A wooden box that can be used for almost anything.
You will inevitably need something from the grips or electric department if you spend enough time on set. They will often be willing to help (if you ask pol ...
5. Understanding the Grip and Electrical Departments on a Film Set - Videvo
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Cinematographers are only as good as their crew, so let’s discuss what each crew member does to help them get to the finish line. Today we’ll be discussing the crew members from the grip and electrical department on a film set that report to the director of photography. A cinematographer’s work can only be fully realized with the help of their crew. We’ll detail each member’s duties and contributions that, in turn, help create some of the most beautiful shots, all while maintaining a level of efficiency and safety on set. Let’s get started! Before we begin, I want to…
6. Grips, Gaffers, and Best Boys: The Grip and Electric Departments
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The Grip and Electric Departments will provide the lights and gear on a film set. Here is a breakdown of the positions and job duties.
7. Grip & Electric - Filmtools
Offering huge varieties of grip equipment and tools from top industry brands like Matthews Studio Equipment, Lindcraft, Setwear, Leatherman and more.
8. Electric is on 7 - Set Lighting - Tumblr
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Clear interdepartmental communication is key to a smooth running film set. For this reason Walkie Talkies have become an indispensable part of any set. Almost every department has their own channel and every crew member should be on Walkie. Traditionally in Hollywood, the channel numbers designated to the different departments are ALWAYS the same. They are based on the local union chapter numbers which makes it easy to remember. Channel 1 - Production. The AD calls rolls and cuts on this channel. All general announcements, questions and demands are made on this channel. Other departments on this channel usually are locations, the medic, hair, make-up, wardrobe and art department Channel 2 - left open. When someone on channel 1 needs to have a longer and potentially more personal discussion, you go to channel 2. Channel 3 - Transportation department. Teamsters Local 399 is the local for the Los Angeles Motion Picture teamsters. Channel 4 - open Channel 5 - open Channel 6 - Camera department. IATSE Local 600 is the Los Angeles local for the camera union. Channel 7 - Electrical department. IATSE Local 728 is the Los Angeles local for the electric union. Channel 8 - Grip department. IATSE Local 80 is the Los Angeles local for the grip union. You should always wear a headset but always presume there’s is an open Walkie on set. So keep a clean language and don’t gossip on the Walkie. You never know who might be listening in…
9. What's the Word? | Grip & Electric - Two Stories Media
Apr 4, 2018 · | Grip & Electric. Kevin Echemendia, our Co-Founder and Director of Photography, will be on set for a filmmaking production throughout the month ...
Two Stories Media, a Tampa Bay full-service production company, provides insight into the various terms used on a film production set.
10. The Must-Have Gear List for Any Indie Gaffer, Grip, or Electric
As a gaffer and set lighting technician in Portland, Oregon, I entered the world of video production as a one-man band filming BMX videos, weddings, and ...
When it comes to the gear on set, here's what you'll need as a gaffer or grip.
11. A Look at the Electrical Department on Film Sets
As grip electric specialists, we work with the electrical department behind-the-scenes to take care of all the electric needs.
Lighting is critical in creating mood and authenticity in the film making industry. Let's take a look at the electrical department that works behind-the-scene on film sets.
12. Grips, Gaffers, and Best Boys: The Grip and Electric Departments
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A great article explaining just what exactly grips and electrics do. Something to forward to your parents and relatives. http://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/grips-gaffer-best-boys-grip-electric-departments/ The best way to think of the difference between electrics and grips is: From the generator to the light is the electrical department. From the light to the lens is grip. In addition, the grips are also camera support. Not only in charge of dollies and cranes, but also assisting the camera operator during handheld shots. Guiding the operator so he/she doesn’t fall, holding the camera between takes, etc.. And the grips do all the rigging. If you need to put up a light that cannot be done normally with a stand, the grips will give you a point for that light. And the grips will safety/tie down lights that need to be tied down (moving cars, condors, scissor lifts, process trailers, etc.). A great grip is invaluable. As the article no doubt hints at, it can get a little fuzzy at times. People get very defensive of their department which can cause friction and anger. Who is in charge of the ladders and bags for the lights? Who powers up the grip truck? Who gives the dolly grip a dolly bump? What if the DP asks a grip to focus a light or asks an electrician to move a flag? In general, use common sense and work together. Okay, here are my fuzzy answers to the fuzzy areas. Q: Who is in charge of the ladders and sandbags for the lights? A: The grips provide a...
13. Crew Positions in the Set Lighting and Grip Departments
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Have another educational blog post for everyone looking to work in the grip and electric departments. We just wanted to break down the hierarchy of both of these departments. We will be talking about positions for the biggest show we can think of, but as things scale down you can still take these positions and figure out how to make them work for you.
14. Electricity 101 for Film & Television Producers - Dave's Grip and Lighting
... electrical faux pas on a your film set. So here's the electricity 101 for film and television productions. Power Distribution on Movie Sets. In order to ...
As a Miami gaffer, I thought it might be helpful to teach the basics about electricity as it applies to producers! Filmmakers often need to be a jack-of-all-trades (doesn’t mean they’re the master of none).